turbo'd my exciter today :)


New member
Sep 29, 2005
turbo'd my exciter today :) [New pics]

My mountain mod exciter got a turbo today, going to go tune tomorrow and see how it goes. A quick weighing job showed just over 400 lbs. Soon as the tuning goes well I'm puting my 162 on it! Still gotta get some 3" pitch drivers and move the heat exchangers outboard.

I'll put pics up tomorrow.
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sorry guys, I got stuck at the cabin all day and didn't get a chance. I'll throw them up tomorrow.
you can see I have some more work to do.




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Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaah baby! I finaly have it figured out. Sorry viperguy, I had to learn it for myself.

Anyway, we got hit with a big storm Sat so I didn't take it out. Probably Weds I'll get a few test runs in and let you guys know how it goes.

there's not a ton left I want to do to it. Maybe some vmax struts, a edge rear skid, my 162 track and some hand guards. Other than that there's much I can think of.
Tested it today and boy does it rip! The first thought that went through my head was I'm going to need a better brake. I've been toying with the idea of a polaris hydraulic setup converted to work. Also I had geared it down previously for the 144" track and I think I'm going to have to gear it back up to gain some track speed. As it is it spins the track like crazy.

I only built it up to 5.6 lbs of boost but I only ran it for a short time, exhaust temps only maxed just under 1100 too. I'm sure I could lean it out but I like the idea of running it rich for long-gevity.

There doesn't seem to be any turbo lag, it just feels like a normal sled for the first second, then it pulls like crazy. It doesn't sound much different. If you're listening carefully you can hear the blow off valve but other than that it sounds like a normal sled. I know it's dumb but I love the sound of a BOV so I might try to find another thats more audible.

All in all this thing is making one crazy sleeper, I got a lot of funny looks in the parking lot today.
Sure guys, I'm taking it out sat for some more testing and tuning so I'll be sure to get some video.
oh, and I had a forge motorsport dump on my old saab turbo a while back. its nice because you can tune it with different springs for different amounts of boost etc. works well, I recomend them :)
Well, this turbo has vairiable vane technology, I'm not sure what that is but I do know it doesn't use a wastegate. You can still adjust the boost pressure with shims.
That's sweet!! I've always liked Exciters.

Make sure to also let us know about all the sleds you waste with it. I would love to see their faces as they watch an Exciter walk away from them, lol.
variable vane means that is starts out low boost so it can spool faster and then adjusts for more boost. reduces lag. pretty neat thing, must be anewer turbo :)
