Reassembling blues


New member
Dec 25, 2007
Does anyone know how the chain case goes back together on a 95 vmax 600?
I have about 1/8" gap between bolt washer and shim in front of bottom gear,is this correct? I,m freaking out, just spent 700 dollars on a track and suspension.
I think I know how it goes together, I was just wondering about the gap.
Yeah thats what I mean, it moves in and out, 1/8" gap
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ok great, so it does move in and out, now that you solved that mystery would you happen to know if the chain tensioner puts tension on the chain on the adjuster bolt
I'm assembling my chain case. I didn't take it apart so I don't know if the spring in the chain tensior direction. For example, if I install it in the case would the spring torque be on the chain, or pressing against the adjustment bolt
the roller on the chain tensioner touches the outside of the chain, the part not touching the sprocket teeth.
I have attached some pics. See how the tensioner has the pressure on the chain and not the adustment bolt. Is this correct?
Also the other pic is gap I was refering to. I measured about 1/8"

The spring puts tension on the chain via the roller, you should have to hold back the roller to slide the chain and sprocket on. Just in case you are wondering what kind of tension you should apply to the chian via the bolt it should be just finger tight so you'll have to make sure you can move the bolt freely ahead of time, too much tension and you'll burn your drive bearings in no time. Hope this helps a little
Here's his pictures...


hey thanks for posting my pics. Also thanks everyone for the info. I think I have it together correctly now. The pics show how I have it, except for the adjuster bolt needs turned in. The other pic is of the gap I was refering to, between the bolt washer and the spacer in front of the gear. There is 1/8" gap which allows the gear to move in and out. I,m assuming this is to let the gear allign it self?
you will have to move the drive shaft(axle) and towards the slave bearing and reset the set screw you should not have any shaft showing between the bolt and gear <-- There should be no gap between the heavy washer and the gear.
