Reassembling blues

sxr700bandit, I don,t have a set screw on my drive shaft. I,m not sure what your refering too? Maybe the newer sleds have that.
What he is saying is you should loosen the set screw on the speedo (clutch) siode of the drive shaft and slide the drive shat towqard the clutch side to take up the play to have. The tighten the set screw.

Make sense?
The 95 VMAX 600 had a nut that holds the clutch side of the driveshaft/bearing. From the pictures it looks like you are missing the spacers that go on the shaft with the gear. There shouldn't be any play in that gear!
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Here are some pictures of your sled, make sure that you have all of the parts/spacers in the right places. Don't try to run it with the play in that gear or you will have some big problems to fix.


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Sorry for the bad info for locking down the drive axle. Either he has his set up installed wrong or he may be missing parts... I know that i had my vmax down years ago but don't remember how it goes together off of the top of my head. I'll search fr my manual and see if I can't find the disassembly/ assembly procedures to try to help you out with the proper information.
ok guys, thanks for the help. The shims are in the same spot as in the diagram, thin shim first behind gear, then thicker shim in front of gear.
I stopped by my local repair shop today and showed him the pics. He told me that the bottom gear has to have that gap, no bigger than 1/8".
He seemed to know what he was talkin about. So should I put her back together?
& double check your orientation on the spring for the tensioner, looks like your loading it with the spring, to me it doesn't look like it in the parts pic. That it should be used to return the tensioner & the bolt adds tension just like the diagram...cheers
I thought the guys here said that you should have to hold the tensioner back to install the chain and gear. Which means that the spring tension should be on the chain. Isn't the way I have it in my pics correct?
