Yamalube change to Klotz??


New member
Aug 15, 2006
Duluth, MN
Looking for an opinion from you guys. So the last two sleds I have bought, have ran Yamalube in them. My question is, is it ok to change brands??? One has 2000 miles and the other has 3500 miles on it.. I have heard that a change could possibly cause problems aka burn down or bearing failure... thanks
cant see any problems with changing oil brands.me depending upon price go from amsoil to lucas to shell advance .sled runs great and with no problems ,i just make sure that if im going from regular oil to sys. i use up as much of the oil as possible before i switch but ive never had a problem whatso ever.this is one of those questions that has a thousand opions and all think there,s is the right one,lol.
Yes you can change to Klotz even though each sled has more than 2k miles on them. Run your oil reseviour nearly empty and then just dump in the Klotz. The two oils will mix without damaging anything. I have done this several times to use of the Yamalube that I had left. I think you will be happier with the Klotz even though it is a little more expensive because it seems to burn cleaner in my SX 600 triple vs. Yamalube. I have about 6,000 miles on my sled after changing to Klotz and have not had a problem even though I backed the oil pump off quite a bit.

you can switch @ anytime any mileage.....any good full synthetic,Amsoil,Klotz etc., will serve you well..
I have my cable set at 23.5mm now with Klotz. Last weekend a guy riding with us mentioned a couple of times how good my Yamaha smelled too. Klotz rules. :rofl:
a buddy of mine has a mountain max 700 triple and he ran just the normal 2 stroke oil at the gas station. i got a viper mtn comin in and i am going to do the same. he didnt have a problem with his sled while running on this normal 2 stroke oil. i think its all the same and only difference is the price lol
yeah i done the same with my RMK i was using the polaris lube oil then changed to the normal 2 stroke oil and havent had no problems! still runs great! i dont think it will harm your snowmobile any!
I made the switch today to Amsoil HP Injector oil since break in is done. I've been a good customer for yamalube, but I can get the amsoil at the same price. Figured I'd give it a try and hopefully it'll work good.
rx-1mountain said:
a buddy of mine has a mountain max 700 triple and he ran just the normal 2 stroke oil at the gas station. i got a viper mtn comin in and i am going to do the same. he didnt have a problem with his sled while running on this normal 2 stroke oil. i think its all the same and only difference is the price lol
There is one big difference between your sled and your buddies. Yours will cost a lot of money to replace the PV when they gum tight and pull the cables threw. Trust me run amsoil interceptor or klotz in the power valve machine. Maxdlx
Oil is Oil is it not, does the brand name really make a difference? Most labels now show the oils contents and I was told a powervalved machine owner should look for something with a low ash content.
dewieiii said:
Oil is Oil is it not,
Ahhhh, no...

oil's ARE different,,by a long shot,,,additive
package, base stock, is just some of the main

just because an oil meets JASO doesn't mean it's
the best on earth,thats a min. spec,,,lots of syn oil's far
exceed that spec,,,and it ain't going to be a 7$ oil..
