The end of the triple pipes have a small gasket donut that goes into the exhaust can.How are these attached to the end of the exhaust pipe.I can loosen the bracket over it and slide that back and forth.I need to shorten or grind the length of one of them gaskets so that the exhaust pipe can move back a little in order to seal tight againt the big exhaust donut that sits on the exhaust header from the motor.How are they attached,tried pulling one out and it doesn't move.Is it a tight friction fit or have threads and unscrews from the exhaust pipe.Can you really just slice 1/8 to 3/16 off the end and grind down to a smooth taper to go back into can inlet.Just have the center pipe that seems to have to move back a tad in order to really sit tight up against the big exhaust donut.
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New member
Hmm good question.
Why does it not line up?
I broke that small gasket on mine a but when I was putting it back together last year. Chipped out a small section. It did not line up and I dinged it against the muffler and that was all it took to chip it.
Why does it not line up?
I broke that small gasket on mine a but when I was putting it back together last year. Chipped out a small section. It did not line up and I dinged it against the muffler and that was all it took to chip it.

I need the center exhaust pipe to go in about another good 1/8" against the donut on the manifold.But the exhaust gasket on the opposite end that goes into the can inlet is tight there already,so can't move the sucker back.Can I not modify the small gasket on the can side.like grind it doen shorter and re-taper it or what.How the hell does that exhaut gasket go on the exhaust pipe end anyways,can't pull or twist it off.I loosened the clamp and slide it back,the one that the spring hooks on to.This is bugging me now.Who has changed these?

Can someone give me some info on these exhaust donuts on the narrow end of the exhaust pipes that connect into the Sliencer openings.How the hell do you remove one of these.Do not want to just take pliers to them and crack one.It has to pull off,then I could cut off a little and put it back on and would be able to move my exhaust pipe back in order for the donut against the header and exhaust inlet to tighten up more.
Roost 'Er
take a screwdriver and evenly push the back away from the flange, they are gar-foil if im not mistaken, and can be modified if need be, but take into consideration there expensive little things
I would take a piece of garlock and make a spacer to get it to fit, we did this when our ZRT's Mbrp wasnt fitting properly
I would take a piece of garlock and make a spacer to get it to fit, we did this when our ZRT's Mbrp wasnt fitting properly
New member
they are Grafoil.
and not cheap as stated. the grafoil y pipe to expansion pipe gasket on my 600 twin was over 8 dollars. x3 that gets pricey
and not cheap as stated. the grafoil y pipe to expansion pipe gasket on my 600 twin was over 8 dollars. x3 that gets pricey

well this for the SRX are somewhere are $24 I think.Looked around on sites to get some pricing.I even hesitate to get a price from my dealer.

What is garlock by the way?

How would you get a screwdriver behind it if the sliding clamp sleeve covers it.There must be a stop on the pipe because the clamp will not slide off the pipe.
you souldn't have to cut anything ,when you loosen the clamps on the end of the pipes .you can just slide the clamp and gasket forward on the pipe to close the gap on the big doughnut.the gasket is probally just stuck to the pipe,you should be able to loosen the bolt and twist the clamp asembly to break it loose then it should slide back and forth.this is the reason for the sliding gasket on the newer modles ,the98's were not adjustable so when the gaskets wore a little there was not much you could do other than buy new gaskets.if you can't move the clamp and gasket enough to make the front seal you need a new front gasket.