1st thing each users must do is try and log in. If you can log in, before emailing the admins please check if you are listed in the Members list. If you are not listed in the members list then please re-register.
2nd enter your user CP (Control Panel) Make sure you are visible, change your options for new threads, seeing images and so on.
3rd re upload your Avatar.
2nd enter your user CP (Control Panel) Make sure you are visible, change your options for new threads, seeing images and so on.
3rd re upload your Avatar.
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New member
Thanks Mr Sled.
New member
the optional picture by some peoples names.blackjack said:what is your avatar
I tryed loging in and its said that user name is allready in use

on the TY4stroke??

both account are you but I see your other account was all caps so I made it lower case like this one.
thank you what a quick reply

Your Welcome!!
sorry but still have same problem

so you cant log into TY4stroke.com? Did you try clearing your cookies and temp files?
sorry to bug you but i can not still log in with my house computer i have tryed everthing i know ,i can log in with my laptop because it is saved in my favorites , the problem is in the ty 4 stoke forum for me to log in ,i know you are very busy so thank you very much for you time

its your pc dude.... clear all the cookies and temp files... thats all I can tell you or your security is not set right!!
How do I add an avatar. Where is the option to add?
How do I add an avatar. Where is the option to add?

User CP, click on top of the screen menu bar.
How do I stop Richie Rich from PMing me and asking what color underware I have on today?

you have to take that up with him...LOL
quit wearing underware might work lol
YA*AM*A*HEAD said:quit wearing underware might work lol
This suggestion gets my vote.

New member
I am logged in but when I want to post a new topic is tells me wrong username password!

You have to register on the TY4stroke.com to post.