stator question


New member
Nov 18, 2005
Tupper Lake, NY
I saw a recent post on a stator not being compatible( diff year, diff sys)
I recently put an 04 stator on a 02 viper. I assumed there would be no difference. It seems to be working fine. Is there reason for concern?

no, all the vipers are the same, 02-04 you will be just fine.
just curious, did the old stator test ok before you replaced it? mine looks and tests fine, still having issues.
Trail, I never tested the old stator, when took the old one off there was quite a bit of built up dirt ,rust etc. also a spot was worn thru where the whip comes into the stator.
I got lucky and found a stator from an 04 viper on ebay for 70 bucks. thankfully when I put it in it cured all my problems. Huge difference, runs like a new sled
I dont remember the specific post but there was a guy on here that had his stator initally test ok but he brought it into his shop for a more in depth testing session and found it was in fact bad. not sure on the specifics of the testing. Once I couldn't find any rub thru on the wire harness I just took a gamble on the stator. All my symptoms just seemed like I wasn't putting out enough power.
