I've posted here a couple of time looking for opinions,pros and cons on the modular helmets on the market specifically the Doo mods.After seeing my buds helmet this past Saturday after he went into the trees I'm not too sure on the safety aspect of them.The helmet had pretty well become two parts after the chin bar peeled off and was just hanging off the hinge plus I should mention the helmet came off his head to start with.Has anyone else either experienced or know of a similar event?I really like the convenience factor of the modular design but the accident on the weekend makes me think I'll look elsewhere for a new helmet.
New member
There is a picture around of a kid that skided face first on ice with one on. Well at least it was on when it started. There is a reason they are not snell rated.
they never fog and you are never blinded by the sun coming out of the woods, there are two sides to safety, i choose vision.
New member
jwiedmayer said:There is a picture around of a kid that skided face first on ice with one on. Well at least it was on when it started. There is a reason they are not snell rated.
Harley Davidson has an open face that is SNELL rated. Has nothing to do with front impact.
New member
BETHEVIPER said:they never fog and you are never blinded by the sun coming out of the woods, there are two sides to safety, i choose vision.
Same here.
I don't think my modular would come off even with the front up. Was the helmet properly sized? Was is properly buckled?
I was blinded a couple of years ago and almost bit it. Since then I've had the modular with the sunshield and I am greatfull for it.
I was blinded a couple of years ago and almost bit it. Since then I've had the modular with the sunshield and I am greatfull for it.
New member
I not an expert on this subject. So like everything else on the web you have to filter it yourself. Everybody opinion is valid. My opinion is that I would prefer to have my head fully enclosed at all times when and if anything happens. I don't have any problems with fogging. For glare the edge goes to the modular. But IMOP it gets trumped by the lack of a hinge (and failure modes that go with it) in my chin bar.
Maybe the reason the Harely HJC open face passes and the Ski Doo does not is because there is a different test for full face and open. And maybe SNELL considers the Doo a full face. I don't know the specifics. But I would bet that Scropion or whoever makes it would have it snell ceritfied if they knew it would pass. But there is a saying don't test for something you don't want the answer too.
http://www.smf.org/standards/2005/m2005/m2005_final.html#E5. Chin Bar Test
BE you are right about vision being extremely important. I would say the Mod has the advantage with the sunvisor. BTW did you have any radius rods 17.5"? They are the long travel black rods.
Maybe the reason the Harely HJC open face passes and the Ski Doo does not is because there is a different test for full face and open. And maybe SNELL considers the Doo a full face. I don't know the specifics. But I would bet that Scropion or whoever makes it would have it snell ceritfied if they knew it would pass. But there is a saying don't test for something you don't want the answer too.
http://www.smf.org/standards/2005/m2005/m2005_final.html#E5. Chin Bar Test
BE you are right about vision being extremely important. I would say the Mod has the advantage with the sunvisor. BTW did you have any radius rods 17.5"? They are the long travel black rods.
There are different Snell ratings based on different Snell test - an open faced Snell would pass a Snell impact test on the shell - they have a separate front impact test for full face which none of the modulars that I know of will pass - I quit wearing them after I seen a kid go down on the ice at Houghton Lake - not a pretty site - everyone has a personal choice for what and why they wear what they wear - I like the protection of a Moto Cross helmet with goggles - if you have an impact with anything over about 30 mph, you are going to be dead no matter what you are wearing - sad reality!!!
VIP Member
I would have to say if the helmet came off he did not have it on or sized proper
New member
Try adding a 1" tall piece of window tint to the top edge of your shield. Works for me, if the sun is too bright a times. Just lower your chin to block the light. Auto tinting goggles work well also. I have always wondered how those hinged helmets would hold up in a crash.
New member
My buddy's uncle died on impact with a rail road tie when he skidded and the helmet flipped open. He would of died no matter what, but it would of been a bit more pleasant death if he had a solid helmet on.
I have a Zeus modular. When i went down this last sunday my helmet hit the road pretty hard. It still latches, no cracks, heck i don't think i even scratched it that bad. Of course it is now time to retire it(and i just bought). I will be ordering another one.
good to hear you're ok and that you're doing the right thing by getting a new one.
The noggin is ok, but 2 of my ribs aren't. Before next season i will be getting a tek or safety vest.
I'd really like to try one of those on before buying to get the size right but no one that I know of carries them locally.
marty f
New member
well the bv2s is an excellent helmet bought one last year i did have a spill and did some tumbling but it stayed together,but the main thing about this helmet is you have no fogging at all and trust me after buying helmets for 25 yrs this one actually works no fogging even when it was -20..now i realized if i would of spent the extra money on one of these years ago i would not have so many laying around that suck!!!!!!!!!!!everything on it is very glove friendly from the flip down sun viser to the mask adjuster any other ? just pm me
i bought mine for $260 new on ebay last fall keep your eyes open 100% well worth the money
well the bv2s is an excellent helmet bought one last year i did have a spill and did some tumbling but it stayed together,but the main thing about this helmet is you have no fogging at all and trust me after buying helmets for 25 yrs this one actually works no fogging even when it was -20..now i realized if i would of spent the extra money on one of these years ago i would not have so many laying around that suck!!!!!!!!!!!everything on it is very glove friendly from the flip down sun viser to the mask adjuster any other ? just pm me
i bought mine for $260 new on ebay last fall keep your eyes open 100% well worth the money

New member
If you are talking tekvest Recreational Leisure has them. I think its in bloomfield hills. Google them.
dnale said:I'd really like to try one of those on before buying to get the size right but no one that I know of carries them locally.
From what I saw of the helmet before the EMT's took it it wasn't a BRP one and am not sure what make it is.As far as fit and all I can only guess that it was properly sized and fastened right,I mean he was moving so I can only speculate that it was fastened.I may research this a bit more before I make my final decision on whether to get one of the modulars or not but right now the pros are outweighing the cons.
jwiedmayer said:If you are talking tekvest Recreational Leisure has them. I think its in bloomfield hills. Google them.
REally? My brother and sister-in-law live like 5 minutes from Rec Leisure. It's in Farmington Hills. I haven't been in there this year (well this season.) I might swing by on Saturday. THanks!
why not get a scorpion helmet? has the sun shield and it is fully enclosed... modular is a stupid idea imho, having a helmet with hinges and a front that comes off seems like a bad idea for safety. great convenience, bad for safety. just my $.02. my next helmet is a scorpion, LOVE it on my bike!
oh, and btw, scorpion MAKES the doo helmets
oh, and btw, scorpion MAKES the doo helmets