Modular helmet,not sure I want one now!!

Dnrtheil said:
Try adding a 1" tall piece of window tint to the top edge of your shield. Works for me, if the sun is too bright a times. Just lower your chin to block the light. Auto tinting goggles work well also. I have always wondered how those hinged helmets would hold up in a crash.

those modular type helmets are not that good in motorcycle crashes, neither are open face fwiw. snow shouldn't be any different, although snow is usually softer than pavement, the trees are the same, and more common for sledders.

You can't do sportbike track days with open, or modular helmets, so that should tell you a little something.

if/ when modular snow helmets are both snell and DOT rated, I might go to one, but I like my MX helmet.
dnale said:
I'd really like to try one of those on before buying to get the size right but no one that I know of carries them locally.

you can try them out when the snowmobile USA show comes to MI.

I have seen them at the WI shows.
horkn said:
you can try them out when the snowmobile USA show comes to MI.

I have seen them at the WI shows.
I was at the show in november and didn't do it then and I don't know that I'll wait until next november.
been riding with a Modular helemt from Doo since they came out with no issues at all,alot of time actualy most of the time it's not the helmet that fails it's not having the right size or having your chin strap too loose that'll give you problems..........
MX style with tinted Goggles for me...

The issue with the modular helmets is the fact that it requires very little impact to collapse the front chin bar. You could have serious facial damages from just a minor accident.

I remember a year or two ago, someone had posted an incident where someone landed hard and hit their bars and the chin bar gave in and the rider needed like 30 stitches to the face. This would not have happened had he been wearing a MX or a true full face helmet. NO Thanks.
I just got a new one from a skidoo dealer for only 150.00 bucks. Last year clearance!! I used it today and I was very impressed with how it does not fog and very comfortable I think. Plus I breathe heavy when I ride and I can get cooler better air with the mask set-up. The down side is I am nervous about the same concerns you guys are saying. But all other helmets I have used I have had MAJOR fogging issues because I wear glasses, sweat when I ride, and breathe very heavy. I have had very very poor vision with others unless I leave the helmet open. That freezes my skin badly and lets in all snow, rain, and tree branches there is.. sucks.. I'm going to have to deal with my concerns for this helmet before I hit something cause I cant see it, or get bad skin freeze or something from others. I have almost been taken out a couple times from tree branches coming out of know where when I have to leave the shield open.. sick of that bs. I wouldn't pay full price for the skidoo modular though. It's cool, works good, but aint worth over 300 bucks. Glad I found mine half price and new!! I took all the skidoo stickers off it and put yami stickers every where!!
yeah, the fogging issue is why I switched to the MX style with goggles. Better vision, absoutely no fogging and much lighter than most full face helmets. There are two of us in our group that wear goggles and we are the only ones that never have to deal with frosting/fogging.
ajviper said:
yeah, the fogging issue is why I switched to the MX style with goggles. Better vision, absoutely no fogging and much lighter than most full face helmets. There are two of us in our group that wear goggles and we are the only ones that never have to deal with frosting/fogging.

that was precisely the reason I switched as well.

I too like the added field of vision the MX style helmet gives, plus I like fresh air,I can't stand the claustrophobic feel I get from full face helmets. so it works well for me.

heck even on my bike i keep the shield cracked a tiny bit open the RF1000r Shoei has an adjsutable stop so I can close the lid all the way, and it will stay a little bit cracked.
All this talk about fogging up makes me laugh. I've had a bunch of different lids so far and none of them fog. Clean then properly and they should be fine. If not, go electric. Other then my Yamaha cap, you won't find anything on my head that isn't SNELL approved. As for the sun, get one of those velcro tint strips. Keep the squash safe. As an added bonus you don't need to wring out your snot gard at every stop. Every time I see one I want to throw up!!!
my problem with fogging isnt just the helmet it is my glasses. I clean them both regularly and never gets any better.
Your the ONLY person who rides a sled that I have ever heard say fogging isnt an issue because they clean their shield!!
I have actually NEVER had a sheild fog on me, bike or sled. always had the same sno force helmet, just newer but the same exact model
marty f said:
I Agree Max

double ditto....

which is why I went to the MX style. On ONE occasion I had ice form from the top vents of my nice Smith Goggles. That caused a little fogging, but IIRC, it was mega cold that weekend, and I was riding a lot of lakes (IE fast) and it took quite a while before having any issues. Stopping at a bar for a warm up was probably a good idea regardless.
YamerDown said:
All this talk about fogging up makes me laugh. I've had a bunch of different lids so far and none of them fog. Clean then properly and they should be fine. If not, go electric. Other then my Yamaha cap, you won't find anything on my head that isn't SNELL approved. As for the sun, get one of those velcro tint strips. Keep the squash safe. As an added bonus you don't need to wring out your snot gard at every stop. Every time I see one I want to throw up!!!

If I stuck to just trail riding, fogging would not be an issue, but when off trailing and boondocking there is no avoiding it. The MX style with goggles is the only way to go when boondocking for hours.

03viperguy said:
why not get a scorpion helmet? has the sun shield and it is fully enclosed... modular is a stupid idea imho, having a helmet with hinges and a front that comes off seems like a bad idea for safety. great convenience, bad for safety. just my $.02. my next helmet is a scorpion, LOVE it on my bike!
oh, and btw, scorpion MAKES the doo helmets :)

Bought a Scorpion for the wife. Nice lid except the sun lense is operated with magnets. Hers has a tendancy to drag & cause the magnets to separate so it won't go up or down w/o shaking it a few times. Kind of a PITA when you need to flip it down quickly, one handed, coming out of a turn...
Read the article too. Didn't make me question my snell helmet but it gave me much more confidence in DOT helmets
As a past A P B A racing member in the stock outboard division snell approved were the only thing allowed period so thats what i still wear
Regarding that helmet testing link, the March 08 Sportrider has an article that refers back top the posted one and gives more insight to this arguement.

BUt Im with whats posted above all the racing I have done need SNELL approval to be legal so if you need it to race you need it to trail ride in my opinion.

I dont have time from work to post a link to the article but its on page 16 of the most recent one if some has time to look it up
Its in their Full Pin arcticle

