rx-1 hp

shortstop20 said:
I don't think you'll see any of the Big 4 advertising track HP numbers unless they all agree to do it. Many people would instantly think the sled putting out 70HP at the track is slower than the sled making 130HP at the crank.

nah, you will never see that happen.

it is the standard on how anything with a motor is judged.

but dig into any performance car mag, and you will see RWHP figures, since those are the ones that really count.

Sledders are set apart from this since most guys don't judge HP by track dyno numbers.

Bike guys only (car guys too) care about rwhp numbers since taking an engine out to measure hp and tq is a stupid waste of time seeing how easy it is to strap your bike to dyno, plus it is a real world number.

I can name 3 bike rwhp dyno's in milwaukee, and I can't name 1 track dyno for sleds in Milwaukee. Clutch dyno's are pretty popular in the sled industry, and I know of at least 2 locally.
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