What do you think


New member
May 15, 2007
I ordered a repair manual from the local dealer along with some other parts. I ordered a manual for a 2001 sxr. I had to pay in advance. When the manual came in it was for a 2001 srx. Now the dealer is telling me that both units are the same and both came with power valves. I dont believe him. He was going to check to see if units use the same manual and call me back. Its been three days. Are they different manuals?

Thanks in advance
motor, suspention and even the chassis are totaly different. i dout its the same manual. if he doesnt know the different between a sxr and srx hes not a very good dealer. sxr is a 700/600 npv triple single pipe motor with a long travel aggressive suspention. the srx is a 700/600 powervalved motor with triple pipes and a short travel suspention for high speed groomed trail/ lake riding.
Your kidding right??? no really your kidding us here???

i would be hitting the road running,,any "yamaha dealer" that thinks
there of the same AND a sx-r has PV's should be #$%&* #$%&*

no there not the same mauals, i would demand the right one!!!

give him my phone # i'll talk to him....
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Cmon Daman don't get all crazy here we all know in this site that srx and sxr are the same thing, I mean the same color and brand....Or maybe the srx was a 4 stroke and the sxr is a 2 dtoke...huuuuuuuu ok now I'm confused...LOL

My God I'm thinking a kid at the dealer told him this and he should be fired or back to hang clothing or some tuff task like that one....Maybe wash sleds....
horkn said:
Maybe he was dyslexic. it's easy to imagine the ease of screwing up if he was dyslexic.


Ordering the wrong one can be escused by being dyslexic. Claiming the SRX and SXR being the same sled can't.

Well, this gets very entertaining. I knew these were not the same but just had to make sure I wasnt crazy. It turns out the person I was speaking to was the owner of the dealership. My wife was in a mood and went to let the dealer know they made a mistake in either ordering or shipping. The owner again attempted to explain that they are basically the same. My wife asked about how the powervalves are the same. He stated the both came with the same valves. She asked if the triple exhaust was an option for this perticular model year. It was. Suspension turns out to be completly adjustable based on your need. So, the owner was almost off the hook until my wife who appears to be a dumb blonde asked why did another dealer give her two different part numbers for both manuals. How could they possibly be the same (she did her homework before going there). Big time busted.

Now he refused a refund because the plastic wrapper was removed. Well, he can now deal with the dispute people from the credit card company....
Motorbreath said:
What happened to "the customer is always right"?

Yea, this seems to be a thing of the past. It is very frustrating dealing with these arrogant people who think they are always right. In my area it seems hard to find a good shop with normal people who do not have a chip on their shoulder.

Sorry about he rant. I just had to get it off my chest.
Anymore you go into these places and some of the counter people act like
your just bothering them,the way the economy is they should roll out the
red carpet for any customer that comes in..

I really dont want to get into putting names up but I will tell you they are in the Western Suburbs.
Taphee said:
I really dont want to get into putting names
why not??,and save some other member this hassle??

if it were me it put the name address and people that work there up in
lights. :twisted:
That is funny.

Stick it to 'em.

the worst part is that it was the owner of the dealership. You would think that he would know better.
horkn said:
the worst part is that it was the owner of the dealership. You would think that he would know better.
Somtimes them are are guy's that are the worse!!!!!!

the my s**t don't stink kind of guy's :D:DP
