3rd Annual TY Ride


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
Well its getting to be that time again and thought this would be a good start to get everyone in the mood for sledding.If you've never been on a TY ride you should make the trip.Its a chance to meet the people you chat with and get some great riding in and party at night till the wee hours.Feel free to ask questions if you have any .We will be staying at the ALGER FALLS motel www.algerfallsmotel.com but the rooms will get filled quick so dont hesitate.There are others around but Dan,Brenda are great people which those that have been there will already know.I think we might even get DAN out again with us.They have a 2 car heated garage with a attached party room with pool table,tv,microwave,sink,bathroom etc. which we all sit and talk or play cards after catching supper probally at Foggies in Christmas.I will post more details later.But heres the main info.

Dates: Jan. 23,24,25
Place: Alger Falls Motel Munising,Mi
www.algerfallsmotel.com 906-387-3536
Rooms are $52 for queen,twin or $58 for 2 queens

We will be heading out 9 a.m sharp ! and splitting up in groups depending on riding skill and riding style.We will basically have a crazy off trail group, a trail group.The trail groups can break into smaller groups to aid in riding.You get 30-40 sleds in a group and its a pain waiting for everyone at intersections.We will all meet up for lunch probally at the brew pub in grandmaris if the snow is good.Well let the fun begin
Christy wanted to know if MrSled would like a challenge. A challenge of the ALL YOU CAN EAT PRIME RIB kind...as long as Rich ate all the trimmings...

You know, I'm not sure why it was so damn funny that night, but seeing Rich's face when Tom placed 3 pounds of marbled fat onto his plate when Rich wasn't looking...I don't know how hungry a guy's gotta be to keep from puking, but Rich did it! :lol:

Just one of the many memories made during the very first TY ride...from your humble correspondant.
hi i was wondering how many people are attending this annual ride?? what kind of groups will there be? im a srx rider and i would just want to ride trails with some hills maybe, no jumping or beating the sled :) what group would i be in and where can i meet some of these people... or do you just all get together at the hotel and decide there in morning?, i will be attending this

There will likely be over 60 riders of various desires and abilities on this ride.

Ideally, you'll want to meet folks over a few beverages the night before you ride just to get acquainted and talk about riding. You can normally set up a group then but if you're not able to make the evening festivities there will be no problem finding a group in the morning as everybody sorts out pretty well.

In my case the type of group I ride with often depends on who I was hanging with the night before. I tend to ride in the slow groups if I spent too much time with Johnny Walker or Jim Beam. :wink:
Yamaharider18, I've got a thread going called Vmaxjohn's Trail Group or something like that. I tried to describe the kind of ride I'd like to put together. Friday will be mostly trails, but we never pass up a play area. Not sure of the total miles for the day, it will be up to committee and trail conditions.

Anyway, read through and see if that kind of riding suits ya. You're more than welcome to join!

cant wait, i heared the hotel was moved to best western now, more expensive :( grr but im sure ill be going, id either trail ride or go on scenic ride
