Ottawa Weather

Dad lives in Oakville, brother lives in Mississauga, best friend lives in Milton. So basically there, lol.
yesssssss snow snow snow and.................... alots of snow woohoooooooo..this weekend i'm out for riding in a bad snow storm lolllll
We are supposed to get snow tonight with high winds,blizzard conditions I guess.Have to get riding in this weekend.Next week all above 0C and rain yet.Could this be it for riding.I think not.Big storm hasn't hit us yet,need one that will close the city for 3 that is what I am looking for.
we're getting it here too. not quite as much as up in ottawa. i'm about an hr south of ottawa on the st.lawrence river. we've got 6" now supposed to get another 8"-12" tonight. kind of a mix of sleet and snow right now but it is supposed to change over to all snow soon. :letitsnow
Everybody in Ottawa is such a school girl right now. The MENACING SNOWSTORM WARNING FOR SOUTHERN ONTARIO that the weather network said I was supposed to get turned out to an AW INSPIRING 5CM!!! lol.
We got some good snow in Trenton last night. It has slowed down a bit right now but It's supposed to pick up again tonight. I hope we get more. I am going out to the county tomorrow morning for a rip before work. Should be a blast with allot of drifts.
I got back about 2 hours ago and all I can say is what a ride....I don't think I have ever got worse gas milage but had so much fun. It was drift after drift and breaking trail most of the way. I basicly had only 2 throttle positions WFO or OFF. I hate to admit it but I even got stuck a couple of times. I am hoping to get out Tuesday again when I am on days off.

I hope lots of you got out today.

hahaha...getting stuck rules...when others are stuck that is..hehehhe...before I lend a hand...I always get the camera out first..hahaha...I can honestly say with this much snow..I had to change my technique to a boondocking style like the guys in the mountains...way to much fun...holy cow did I have a blast...
Hey Yamerdown..yer family is a hop skip and jump from here...if yer bringin yer sled...give me a shout...ya never know...hehehe..
Yah, doubt the sled will be coming with. I wish I could bring it, as there will be lots of family to look after the little guys and I could go from a nice long ride. Plus meeting fellow TY'rs is always cool. Don't think it's going to happen though. Plus I wouldn't even know where to start looking for a trail up there. I have enough trouble finding the roads, lol.

Have fun and ride that snow while you can!!!!
No problem theblues. It was awsome, i got my best speed to date on my first run, i think i have the ported SRX dialed in, i ran a 117.8mph, but on my second run somthing happened because i was down to 110mph and the 3rd run was the same. I took it for a little rip last night and something not right. I will be tearing into her tonight to see whats up.
We didn't get any snow, did we?


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Few more for you guys.


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Nice pics. The one in the hill reminds me of last weekend at the cottage near Plantagenet. To bad I didn't bring my camera. I wanted to go see how much snow there was on my boat.

So I headed through the woods on a road which we don't plow. By the time I realize I couldn't stop or I would be stuck it was to late. No room to turn around. Was going well and I was trying my best to "boondock" as much as I can. Rookie + heavy srx here so I was sweeting. All seemed well as I got near the end where I planed to go straight between a tree and my parents 40' camping trailer and just hammer it right to the Ottawa river 60' further. All was good until I see I was heeding straight into a 6 feet snow hole the wind had made in front of the trailer. By the time I braked the sled fell into it and stopped two feet from the trailers hitch. Took me 45 minutes to get it out with shovels and my father who came to help.
