more 09 sled reviews by yami guys


VIP Member
Feb 5, 2006
Ballston Spa, ny
09 sled reviews from all 4 manufacturers demos

quote from yami guy/ rider at the demo today, NOT MY WORDS!!

"They had Demo's today in Old Forge NY. There was Yamaha, Polaris, Artic Cat and ski doo sleds to ride. First one I rode was the 2009 E-tec. I really wasn't impressed with this sled. Seemed to lack power. Handling was awesome. I just felt like my wife's rev 600 was a faster sled.The summerization feature is awesome.I then jumped on the new doo 4 stroke. Let me tell you first that I'm a die hard Yamaha guy who bought a ski doo for my wife. Doo's 4 stroke is simply amazing. It pulls you real hard. Handles awesome and feels way lighter then the yami. I will also say that they let us ride real hard today. Had it up to 93 MPH on a railroad bed and it still had a lot to go. I let the lead guy on a XP800 and then my buddy on the e-tec get away then I had no problem catching them. This thing pulls your arms out of it sockets. Corners real flat leaving both ski's planted on the ground. I then had to run over to the Yamaha tent to find something that would beat the doo. Rode the Yamaha RTX SE. I love this sled but doesn't handle as good as the doo 4 stroke. I know alot of the Yami guy will hate me but it felt heavier too. I then jumped on the new XTX. Got off that and told the yami rep they needed to take it off the trails. That thing pushed into every corner. 3 of us switched off that sled and none of us could get it to turn. I then went over to polaris. I loved the IQ 600 and 800 sleds. Sick power in those sleds. I didn't like the outside ski lifting in every corner. suspension was awesome. The Polaris turbo 4 stroke felt under powered. didn't feel like it was pulling as hard as the doo or the yami. I will say that if funds weren't an issue I'd buy the doo 4-stroke hands down out of all the sleds I rode today. The phazer was the most fun sled but not to powerful. Also the guys running the demos for all four makes let us run them hard and fast today. 20 mins on each sled. Way to go Ski doo on your new 4 stroke. Yamaha has a threat on their hands. "
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More quotes from riders at the demo today.

"I noticed the 4 tech didn't throw you over the handle bars when you let off the gas like the Yami's doo. I rode 8 sleds today from all makes and the doo 4 tech won hands down. "

"regarding weight that is. He said the Nytro felt lighter, maybe even a lot lighter, than the 1200 4Tec. And I think he went to Old Forge too! I will believe your version though, since it is saying the Doo was better and felt way lighter."

"I also Own a 2004 Yamaha Viper ER. The Doo 4 tech feels lighter then the viper but not lighter then my wife's 2004 Rev 600 HO SDI. As soon as I was done On the Doo I went right over and jumped on the Nytro RTX SE which is the race replica. If I wanted to spend most of my riding jumping I'd pick the Yamaha but i ride WOT most of the time on the trails here and the doo is where that is better. I told the Yamaha reps wearing my yamaha riding gear they need to step thier game up or else the Doo 4 stroke will hurt them big time."

"The new Nytro and now this 4 tech from Doo just shows how good 4 stroke sleds can be and I think also shows that the days of the 2 stroke sleds are numbered."
I found alot of this interesting. The last comment about 2 strokes definitely coming to an end soon is why I think i am not ready for a four stroke.. I know I will have to own one soon so I want to enjoy my 2 strokes now, lol!!
what u gettin all worked up about the doo 4 stroke first of all its 1200cc so ur comparing the 1000 but thats allright cause doo will need 1200 to keep up oh well it,s not even proven yet yamis got what 5 years on the 4 stroke ,yamaha leads in 4 stroke knowledge and allways will , now it would be a different story if it was yami with the 2 cylinder 4 stroke, the big question will be longtifity , we know yami will roll for 30,000km with out problems will doo lets talk about ur doo 5 years from now. Al Larson
maxout01 said:
I then went over to polaris. I loved the IQ 600 and 800 sleds. Sick power in those sleds. I didn't like the outside ski lifting in every corner. suspension was awesome.

Two reasons why my next sled will probably be another Polaris. The RMK I rode never had bad inside ski-lift(compared to other mountain sleds). I can't comment on the short tracks. I wish I could've went on another demo ride this year.

Nice, unbiased review. ;)! :rockon:
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I wrote the review over on Dootalk. I know a lot of you guys don't want to hear it but Yamaha better get off their butts in 2010. the doo might be a good thing for yamaha to compete with. The demo rodes were not a 25mph 2 min ride. we were gone 20-25 mins on each sled at 70mph average. they let us go WOT on the ski-doos on an old rail bed. Again I rode 8 sleds total and I felt the Doo was the best for my stand up riding style. The nytro and IQ 800 were tied for 2nd. Cat just didn't do a thing for me. I will say the polaris demo ride was the most fun b/c they let you ride like a snowcross race. 3-4 wide into corners and wot. :bump:
LOL.......when I was at the Polaris demo ride in West Yellowstone it was balls to the walls the whole way too. The Polaris rep. that was leading the group just took off WOT right away and never looked back, the two guys in front of me were doing the same so I was like WTF, this is gonna be awesome. LOL We ended up stopping in a meadow to climb some hills and play around a little bit, it took the rest of the group about 3-4 minutes before they even caught up with us. :)

At first I was a little nervous about going into wide, sweeping turns at 50 MPH on a demo RMK with a 155" track but that thing just soaked up the trail junk awesome. ;)!
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extreme4max4rules said:
what u gettin all worked up about the doo 4 stroke Al Larson

None of this is my words.. I'm not worked up at all, never rode a doo four stroke. just reporting the comments I've read on forums from the demo in ny this past weekend.
stretchSXV said:
I wrote the review over on Dootalk. I know a lot of you guys don't want to hear it but Yamaha better get off their butts in 2010. the doo might be a good thing for yamaha to compete with. The demo rodes were not a 25mph 2 min ride. we were gone 20-25 mins on each sled at 70mph average. they let us go WOT on the ski-doos on an old rail bed. Again I rode 8 sleds total and I felt the Doo was the best for my stand up riding style. The nytro and IQ 800 were tied for 2nd. Cat just didn't do a thing for me. I will say the polaris demo ride was the most fun b/c they let you ride like a snowcross race. 3-4 wide into corners and wot. :bump:

I was hoping you were on here! Sorry to re-post your words but I thought these guys over here needed to read REAL WORLD reviews! Great review btw!!
shortstop20 said:
Two reasons why my next sled will probably be another Polaris. The RMK I rode never had bad inside ski-lift(compared to other mountain sleds). I can't comment on the short tracks. I wish I could've went on another demo ride this year.

Nice, unbiased review. ;)! :rockon:

The IQ's I have been on (all short tracks) have never had any inside ski lift issues. This is one reason they are heralded for having the best suspensions.

I did not have "pushing" issues on either the 08 nytro rtx, nor the 09 xtx, and 20 minutes was a shorter ride than we had the sleds out at Minocqua in Feb.

I don't understand why folk think doo is new to 4 strokes. rotax makes the motors for them and they have been making 4 strokes for a quite a long time. Also, doo has had 4 strokes in the PWC for many years now as well. I think since 03. I bet the 1200 doo 4s will be quite nice. once a little un natural aspiriation is put on, it will be even faster.
horkn said:
The IQ's I have been on (all short tracks) have never had any inside ski lift issues. This is one reason they are heralded for having the best suspensions.

I did not have "pushing" issues on either the 08 nytro rtx, nor the 09 xtx, and 20 minutes was a shorter ride than we had the sleds out at Minocqua in Feb.

I don't understand why folk think doo is new to 4 strokes. rotax makes the motors for them and they have been making 4 strokes for a quite a long time. Also, doo has had 4 strokes in the PWC for many years now as well. I think since 03. I bet the 1200 doo 4s will be quite nice. once a little un natural aspiriation is put on, it will be even faster.

when we got off the XTX we had the Yamaha rep pull the sled over to the trailer and check it out. He says that someone riding it could have messed with the set up. I guess the RTX and XTX you can adjust by the hand warmer button if you switch the mode.
love the real world reviews guys!for the life of me i cant understand why anybody would complain of doo making a 1200 4stroke like yammie had some kind of god givin right to be the only one.if anything this will force yammie and the others to step up to the plate which can only benifit us all!i got a sneaking suspicion that the doo is detuned a little also and has potential for lots more hp.i ride with a yammie rs vector owner all the time and am impressed with the smooth power and fuel mileage also ,but then again anything is better than my 600 vmax when it comes to fuel!im wondering when its going to blow up as its been running way too good and fast lately,lol.
cougar1985 said:
for the life of me i cant understand why anybody would complain of doo making a 1200 4stroke like yammie had some kind of god givin right to be the only one.if anything this will force yammie and the others to step up to the plate which can only benifit us all!

I agree. I know everyone on here (including myself) loves to bash Bombardier for sub-par durability 2strokes but Bombardier is a much larger company than Yamaha will ever be. Both Bombardier and Suzuki have potential to build rock solid 4 strokes. Yeah, ski-doo has some junk 2 stroke motors, but remember Bombardier builds everything from 2 strokes to JET TURBINE LOCOMOTIVE engines. My opinion is Suzuki and Bombardier have been biding there time and kickin' back waiting to see what happens since Yamaha entered the 4stroke scene. Competition can only benefit all buyers and I am glad to see another performance 4 stroke enter the market.
I read in a boat motor trade magazine that suzzy will be making a concerted effort over the next few years to Knock yammie off their number one 4stroke perch and they have the tec and money to give it a good go.Competition is good for us all ,just imagine if no body competed against fords model t how much longer they would of had to of put up with no changes to that classic for years to come.Henry Ford didnt want to change it ,he had to!
I really think BRP is smart enough to be building "behind the seens" four strokes for sleds. This 1200 cc is just the beggining for them. I'm sure they were watching yami try it first and now they are going to try it. It's going to be a whole new sleddin world in a few years.. I think part of BRP's problem with quality is the fact that the sell so many units of everything it takes away from quality.
maxout01 said:
I really think BRP is smart enough to be building "behind the seens" four strokes for sleds. This 1200 cc is just the beggining for them. I'm sure they were watching yami try it first and now they are going to try it. It's going to be a whole new sleddin world in a few years.. I think part of BRP's problem with quality is the fact that the sell so many units of everything it takes away from quality.
most likely,the last numbers i had seen had brp far and above everybody else for sales.most bo-bo,s theyve made were quickly recified,again we can all only benifit from heathy competition.look at it this way and im sure the numbers are off ,lets say brp sells 25,ooo sleds a year ,polaris 15,000 .your going to proably hear of more problems from brp just by sheer numbers alone,even if lets say they have the exact same percentage of failures of say 1 percent.Yamaha makes a great product but if they sit on their butts for too long they will fall even farther behind in sales then they are now.It,s up to them to respond now to the challenges from the others.
Weird -Several weeks ago - I talked to a few non-biased guys that got the first test rides. They indicted that Doo lacked the power of the Yamaha engine. It was kind of mild – they said.

Ohh – I don’t believe BRP is in the locomotive business – that spilt was several years ago. It’s only thanks to the dedication of the family that they are still around.

I do like the ride of Rev chassis a lot - but nothing felt and sounded so nice as the big 4/ Yamaha I rode once.
it's all about marketing.If doo can claim a 4-stroke sled with less weight of a Yamaha and put out another video comparing their sleds to others..they will sell a few more thousands of sleds again.They might just be on to us Yamaha
loyalists.If they come out with a great motor and chassis and it stands up and there prices are lower then Yamahas...they will continue to grow while Yamaha loses market share and riders.I have a doo dealer not to far from me,they are outside the city limits.There you can take a sled out to test ride before you buy.Can't do that at my Yamaha dealer that is in the city.
Can they make doo's with blue colors..that would then take the cake.Call it a
If I was seriously looking for a 4-stroke,I would also consider doo as an option and compare to the Yamaha's -strokes.
bluemonster1 said:
it's all about marketing.If doo can claim a 4-stroke sled with less weight of a Yamaha and put out another video comparing their sleds to others..they will sell a few more thousands of sleds again.They might just be on to us Yamaha
loyalists.If they come out with a great motor and chassis and it stands up and there prices are lower then Yamahas...they will continue to grow while Yamaha loses market share and riders.I have a doo dealer not to far from me,they are outside the city limits.There you can take a sled out to test ride before you buy.Can't do that at my Yamaha dealer that is in the city.
Can they make doo's with blue colors..that would then take the cake.Call it a
If I was seriously looking for a 4-stroke,I would also consider doo as an option and compare to the Yamaha's -strokes.

For 2009 they do have a blue Ski Doo. :o|
