more 09 sled reviews by yami guys

Nice words on sleds, after seeing and hearing about new Yamahas, I guess I'll stay on a Viper 1 more yr.! Max, did you decide on another sled or are you staying "old" too?!
;)! Originally Posted by stretchSXV
For 2009 they do have a blue Ski Doo.

Yup thats true but remember "YOU CAN'T POLISH A TURD"
I don't think BRP is bigger then Yamaha.

Didn't Bombardier sell off BRP? And doesn't rotax build the new 4s? BRP is also privately owned now so we don't know how much they make. But yamaha motor sales where 17+ billion USD last year with net cash from sales exceeding .719 billion. I doubt BRP did half that. So that makes them about a tenth of the size of Ford.

I do agree the competition is good for all. And the real problem will be whether or not it makes coporate sense for Yamaha to do a real battle with Rotax. Maybe the snowmobile division does not make enough money to get all the internal support it needs.

Had to look up Suzuki Corporate - ~32B USD including cars neted .75Billion. I would say Yami looks a little healthier.

BBlueSRX said:
I agree. I know everyone on here (including myself) loves to bash Bombardier for sub-par durability 2strokes but Bombardier is a much larger company than Yamaha will ever be. Both Bombardier and Suzuki have potential to build rock solid 4 strokes. Yeah, ski-doo has some junk 2 stroke motors, but remember Bombardier builds everything from 2 strokes to JET TURBINE LOCOMOTIVE engines. My opinion is Suzuki and Bombardier have been biding there time and kickin' back waiting to see what happens since Yamaha entered the 4stroke scene. Competition can only benefit all buyers and I am glad to see another performance 4 stroke enter the market.
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Yes BRP split back in 2003 and there sales are only like 3 million nowadays. I was saying the Bombardier name,whether divided now or not, is MUCH bigger than Yamaha. As for Suzuki...what would happen if they built a 4S off the GSXR1000? either way it should be interesting.
BBlueSRX said:
Yes BRP split back in 2003 and there sales are only like 3 million nowadays. I was saying the Bombardier name,whether divided now or not, is MUCH bigger than Yamaha. As for Suzuki...what would happen if they built a 4S off the GSXR1000? either way it should be interesting.

Yes Yami is bigger that BRP/ Bombardier $$ wise.

Heck, you can buy a yami Piano, motorcyle, sled, jetski, electronic guitar stuff and such. Only honda makes a more diverse amount of things, but if and when they jump in to the sled market, would we consider them to be small potatoes??? they did well with the PWC market,a nd they jumped in when the market was crashing, or really had laready crashed. Honda holds a lot of patents already for sleds, so you never know.

Many assumed cat would makea gsxr1k or Busa derived sled, but they went with a parallel twin 1100 4 stroke, now one with a turbo, so I doubt there is any room, or need for more than 177hp.
cougar1985 said:
most likely,the last numbers i had seen had brp far and above everybody else for sales.most bo-bo,s theyve made were quickly recified,again we can all only benifit from heathy competition.look at it this way and im sure the numbers are off ,lets say brp sells 25,ooo sleds a year ,polaris 15,000 .your going to proably hear of more problems from brp just by sheer numbers alone,even if lets say they have the exact same percentage of failures of say 1 percent.Yamaha makes a great product but if they sit on their butts for too long they will fall even farther behind in sales then they are now.It,s up to them to respond now to the challenges from the others.
correct me if i'm wrong but hasn't yamaha been gaining market share every year for last 4or5 years?
bldn blue said:
correct me if i'm wrong but hasn't yamaha been gaining market share every year for last 4or5 years?
your absolutly correct .last figures i seen had brp on top ,everybody else was far behind .its hard to get a accurate picture as im led to believe that the snowmobile manufactures association does not release figures as a rule.if im wrong please correct me.i just wish yammie would make a direct injected 2-stroke also,they dont seem to have any problem making one available for the outboard market.icertianly wouldnt rule out a yammy as a next purchase if it is a used sled i go for ,possibly a rx-1?seen lots of guys from the states up here and it seems the rx-1 was a very popular sled as i seen more of them than any other model.
extreme4max4rules said:
what u gettin all worked up about the doo 4 stroke first of all its 1200cc so ur comparing the 1000 but thats allright cause doo will need 1200 to keep up oh well it,s not even proven yet yamis got what 5 years on the 4 stroke ,yamaha leads in 4 stroke knowledge and allways will , now it would be a different story if it was yami with the 2 cylinder 4 stroke, the big question will be longtifity , we know yami will roll for 30,000km with out problems will doo lets talk about ur doo 5 years from now. Al Larson

I wouldn't be too concerned about the reliability of Doo's new 4stroke. THey've been making them for years and overall seem to be problem-free.
They were the leader in 4strokes in the PWC market for many years before Yamaha, Kawasaki, and Honda stepped it up.
extreme4max4rules said:
what u gettin all worked up about the doo 4 stroke first of all its 1200cc so ur comparing the 1000 but thats allright cause doo will need 1200 to keep up oh well it,s not even proven yet yamis got what 5 years on the 4 stroke ,yamaha leads in 4 stroke knowledge and allways will , now it would be a different story if it was yami with the 2 cylinder 4 stroke, the big question will be longtifity , we know yami will roll for 30,000km with out problems will doo lets talk about ur doo 5 years from now. Al Larson

Ive had my doo since 98. still running strong after 13,000. Only one top end and thats cuz I wanted to redo it.
horkn said:
Yes Yami is bigger that BRP/ Bombardier $$ wise.

alright I will say this one more time. Yamaha is a fragment of Bombardier. Bombardier is a fortune 500 company and because yamaha makes jet ski's and pianos you say they are larger? BRP is now a privately owned subdivision of Bombardier and yamaha is alot larger than that division. Do a little research and you will see you are comparing a yamaha piano to personal aircraft and locomotives (yes they are STILL in the train business). either way I like the idea of some serious competition in the 4S market.
BBlueSRX said:
alright I will say this one more time. Yamaha is a fragment of Bombardier. Bombardier is a fortune 500 company and because yamaha makes jet ski's and pianos you say they are larger? BRP is now a privately owned subdivision of Bombardier and yamaha is alot larger than that division. Do a little research and you will see you are comparing a yamaha piano to personal aircraft and locomotives (yes they are STILL in the train business). either way I like the idea of some serious competition in the 4S market.

whatever, between Honda and yamaha, you could pretty much get whatever you wanted.....
