Part fabrication interest.

can you pm me what exactly il need for my xtx and the 8 inch big wheel also like to see the designs and some prices thanks
92vwgti said:
can you pm me what exactly il need for my xtx and the 8 inch big wheel also like to see the designs and some prices thanks

Nothing is being made yet, we're generating interest I might fab up a boost bottle or two this weekend.
We've made a decision for now. We're going to focus on the bearing sales at the moment (they seem to be alright) maybe some small parts like the boost bottles and MAYBE the drop brackets. We're going to get a bit of money, get some good tools and try and get something going. Like I said I'll try and get something fabbed up this weekend in the boost bottle department, i'm just swamped with exams and projects at the moment.

You guys have been a lot of help and gave us some great input, we'd still love to hear your ideas as winter is a pretty long ways away and that leaves lots of room for change.


Is anybody interested in mechanics gloves, Mechanix wear specifically?
And if anybody interested in dayco belts?
how about reed spacers for the vmax4750 and 800 lightweight hubs and brake rotors for srx and vmax800, allso if we post some of this on the web site u will get interest, allso jack shafts for the chain case to convert 2 the key styl so yami owners can run cat and polaris secodarys, light weight drive shafts and the cross shaft in to the chain case. allso small screws that are nurreled to hold the cover plate on yami flat slide carbs, they are about 1and1/2 long and narrled on the end screw driver not needed to take off Al Larson
Aluminum brake rotors don't sound like they'd work out too well. And I may hop on over to to get the bearings across, vmax4 need bearings too =)
