Think before you ship!!

Power to you guys.Make an issue of it,that you can't screw with the small guy.A lot of small guys is how UPS became who they are and they shouldn't forget that.Now that they are huge..the GREED factor takes over..screw the small guy attitude exists.And that is completely wrong and if they keep it up,they can figure on a drop in business one day and wander why.Isn't the consumer or customer always right.A lot of companies look at it that way.I know our company bends over backwards to make things right to the consumer.It's all about relations and bad words or pissed off consumers can spread the word fast and hurt a company.I am afraid that as a company gets bigger,there is less of a person to person relationship that goes on.Everything is computers now and voice mail.Where is that caring person that knows how to handle a situation.Are we humans obsolete and the machines are taking over,we are now just a friggin number now.
stein700sx said:
Canada Customs like to open packeges that cross the border.Maybe one of those guys needed some rollers.
Yep.One of them S.O.B's got my rollers and I wish I could find the person and lay some 1" Predator Track down on them when I pin the SRX.That'll make them think twice about taking someone's rollers.It just stinks that's all.
I just think the policy is bullshit. You the receiver pay for the product, and pay the shipping cost to the shipper. After that deal is done then there is a problem with the middle man, which only affects the receiver and middle man. So why the **** send the product back to the shipper when that deal is done and over , and then to send payment to them too.. thats just bullshit. Its like getting into an accident and the insurance company paying the opposite party and telling them to give you the money for work.. It's like its set up to directly screw the party receiving the product.. freakin ridiculous and they should be ashamed. Next time I ship I may just go to ups store and tell them I gave the payment for shipping to the receiver and they can get the money upon delivery. Im sure then it would be bs to them. I'll just say sorry sir its my policy and I follow it to all extent.
gonna have to take your sled in there and lay down some thread on them heads I I know it is frustrating!!!!We are just everyday common down to earth hardworking stiffs that demand a fair shake.Do we get that means we have to become outraged and become them in order to get things settled.We have to go crazy on them and scream and shout...and they look at us and say.."what a crazy a**",when it is them that are crazy arses and caused us to become this way...LOL.Hey..just do not use UPS anymore and that's it.If more people got burned and decided to do the same..maybe they might notice something is wrong or are they to stupid to figure that out we have to show o man.I am starting to get worked up here..I just don't like getting ripped off by anyone,no one has the right to rip others off.We have seen things like that on this site where one member screws another one with a bad deal.We don't have a place for them scums in here.
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How much money are we talking for the item? I am sure after you whip up some bad publicity they might want to pay you off.

My department ships with UPS in excess of 1.4M a year. We are slowly moving back to FedEx and I am very pleased. My UPS driver is about the worst I have ever had to deal with in 10 years of shipping with them.

I would start asking for supervisor's names and numbers or contact their corporate communications department and see if you can raise hell there.

Good to hear they are switching to FedEx.Just what I said,one customer at a time and they will be begging for customers.What comes around goes around I am afraid.Give the power back to the people to decide.
so far I have posted this issue on three forums and about 50 people so far combined have had the same experiences with ups and I have heard nothing but horror stories about them. Not one person has had anything bad to say about fedex or usps so far. I think alot of people are moving away from ups.

The mirrors are worth 500.00, so 250.00 a piece, btw. Ups said it was not packaged good enough and therefore was not their fault. They were double boxed and packed with spray foam and plastic around them. I could stand on the box without doing any harm, I don't even know what the hell they could have stacked on it to crush it the way they did. I asked What the hell else could it be packaged in that would possibly be any better, they didn't answer me.
