How was your riding season?


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I had a decent enough season,got a few runs in locally and my 5 day trip this year which was better than last when my crank went out on my first run and never got the engine back together until just before it rained all our snow off.How about the rest of you guys are you done riding yet?How many miles this year?Any breakdowns?
rode 3 times local rest of the time we trailered to TUG HILL . Traffic was high in the beginning b/c that was the only place on the northeast that had snow. Last three weeks have been awesome up there. Now snow is melting so I think it is over.
3 weekend trips, over 1100 miles overall. My Viper was trouble free .....Others in my group were not so lucky. Ski-doo and pol.

best winter here in 10-15yrs, 0 problems on my attak and viper. i never put them on the trailer to go riding this season, just drive out of the garage and go. no where near my usual miles though i just didn't have the time like i used to. still some snow, going to ride them around one last time tomorrow and put them away. ;)! nothing but 50s next week
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I had a good problem free season on my viper. I sent the shocks out to Pioneer and made a seat riser which made a big difference on the sled. I got 660 miles on the sled, all funfilled with family and friends.
It has been one of the best seasons in years for me! Although I have had more miles in the past mainly due to long saddle bag trips, this year was by far the most fun with the overwhelming credit given to the TY rides.

Lets just hope the winter of 08/09 is as good!
One of the worse seasons for me,local snow was very bad this year,had
a trip up north planed but fell through,only local riding this year,mileage was
down 50% this year...
Not the best year for snow but the clubs did a great job on the trails. 2700 miles of trouble free riding on the SXR 700. Never had to trailer, I can ride from my back door.
Best season for me as long as I can remember. My newly acquired used 600 was trouble free and riding was great all around. Weekend weren't too cold though. The week day dropped to -20 to 30's C and always warmed up for the weekend. Go figure anyway we had a great winter riding and not fixing.
Best riding in ten years or so in northern michigan and a long season that started on december 2nd does it get any better?I rode in the up a few different places this winter, but the snow here was always pretty good.1900 miles or so total and the sx-r never missed a beat plus I sure like that 136" kit enough that I doubt I'll ever go back to a 121".You sure can't beat a 5 month riding season!
I had a really good season. I only wish I could have gotten out a acouple more times.

All of our sleds had not one single issue. I put on over 1500 miles myslef, but in all, our sleds got around 2500 miles.

My rear shock on my XC did get to the point where it needs to be rebuilt again though. it is minor, and expected, considering the springs on it are for a guy aroud 170lbs, and I weigh 240, and ride hard. I think I finally will upgrade the rear springs for next year.
It was a very good, long winter in much of Wisconsin this year. Although there was the opportunity to ride a lot, I did not do as much as I would have liked to. The total was 3045 miles on three sleds.

Damage report:
Have one drive clutch with a problem, possibly a broken spring.
Took a tumble on a lake and bent a steering shaft and possibly the handlebar mount plate.
Appeared to have a minor oil-related engine seizure right at the end of the year on one sled. Haven't looked into it yet.
One battery went bad (free replacement).
Broke a plastic ski in half !! USI Tunnelwide.
Otherwise just the normal stuff- carbides, slides, idler wheels and bearings, exhaust leaks.
viper7mi said:
I had a good problem free season on my viper. I sent the shocks out to Pioneer and made a seat riser which made a big difference on the sled. I got 660 miles on the sled, all funfilled with family and friends.

How high did you go on the riser? Is that good, or would you like it higher or lower? Do you have handlebar risers?
Great season here in NW Lower Michigan just over 2000 miles and never once used my trailer,
too bad though that 90% of my riding was done Hans "Solo" style.
Great season so far, should be riding another week or two at least in Northern Maine. Have 2300 miles for the year, Viper just turned 8,000 miles.
horkn said:
... , considering the springs on it are for a guy aroud 170lbs, and I weigh 240, and ride hard. I think I finally will upgrade the rear springs for next year.
Well I am not big and my son is also tall. Might have a 1/4" on me now. But I got on the scales the other day after a shower. Damm scale was defective...said 230, what the.....

Anyway I went far and fast enough for my liking. A good year all around sledding. Venture rides good and the long track works for me. Reverse is a plus but not good in softer packed snow. Too much torgue and it easily digs down with the track spinning too fast even when going easy on the trottle.
tripplec said:
Well I am not big and my son is also tall. Might have a 1/4" on me now. But I got on the scales the other day after a shower. Damm scale was defective...said 230, what the.....


I think my scale is getting more and more defective as well. LOL

Hell, only 5 years ago I was 225lbs..

I need to start wakeboarding more to burn off the lbs... I officially am over 240 now....

Well definity got a bum set of scales there. Sell it to skidooer. Get one that read in Kilograms. The number is automatically smaller. Just don't do the conversion and you'll be happy. You won't blink an eye heading for that beer. I don't !!!
