Tomseal6, as I have said before many times, run a half bottle booster to every fill up. Is it really that hard to buy 2 bottles of octane booster for $4 each and place them in the trunk?? That gives you 40 gallons of gas range using a half bottle per fill up, so you spent 8 bucks extra for your trip! Average mpg on a srx would be around 13, so 13 into 40 gallons of gas would be 520 miles, thats alot of riding.
Theres alot of trail ported 02 srx out there and they are not having problems because instead of trying to out think the person building them they listen and use whats reccomended and they dont have issues, you need better fuel plain and simple.
The dcs will come on on a bone stock 02 srx, the trail porting doesnt have any more effect then being stock, its the gas quality. I can see upping the stock 02 jetting up to 01 specs but thats as rich as you need to be, any more your just cooling off the crown and combustion temp,center pipe temp to prevent the frequency waves of detonation from less then quality low octane fuel! just like Tony says he has a stock 02 srx and all he did was mix in better gas because the gas quality you buy these days is plain ol JUNK!
octane booster isnt going to turn 87 into 94 octane, but it will keep the edge off of pump fuel premium and it is a heck of alot cheaper then a new piston/rings and plating of a cylinder, just because the 02 srx has dcs doesnt mean its incapable of burning a piston.
edit:added information: I run 152.5 mains in most all 780 srx kits, doesnt matter on the year of the srx. So if a 780 only uses a 152.5 main jet, how could a 700 need more jet? same pipes, same head clearances, same cranking compression, same cdi box, same carb racks???????????? the only bigger jets used is when they add big bore pipes to the 780's then you use 157.5 mains!