Disabling DCS!!!

Never really had an issue with my DCS till after I got it ported. Ran premium fuel all the time and am doing the same after the port work. My sensor was replaced by the previous owner just before I bought the sled so I am going to rule that out. The previous owner upped the stock 02 jet up one size to 148.8 147.5 147.5 when the motor was still stock.He never had an issue with it. SO yes, I buy the part about the fuel issue these days maybe have to jet a little richer. For all you stock 02 SRX guys, motor porting is going to have an effect on the sensor picking up differnt things due to changes like my cut heads and all that now. Its trying to read a stock motor. I am going to up the jetting a little like I did and going to desensitize the sensor:) If my motor is detonating at point of where it says save me, the DCS will still work. I will work my way down on the jet sizes till the light comes on and keep checking plugs and piston wash (keeping in mind that I wont go any leaner than 150 148.8 148.8

Guys, please dont discredit my work and research I am going to do. I believe there is no reason you should have to go to the airport to buy fuel for trail riding. Also remember, every sled is different.
Tom, you never rode that 02 before you had the topend done on it, from ecopter. You had a 02 out in washington you wrecked, then tore the engine out, topend down, ported it and put it in a 98 srx mtn, sold that.

You have some mis guided information on mods on a 02 but I am not here to argue about it, you will be able to give a complete analysis with your research. Let us know your data when you do it, I am sure you know this but youll need to test a stock topend to make a good accurate comparison and then go thru the mods to determine the effects of the dcs and the mods individually, exh port timing, transfer port timing, boost port timing, piston timing, head set up, each one seperately to show how they effect/dont effect the dcs. Be looking forward to your testing and research. ;)!
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don Yes, You are correct

That was not my first 02.. I sadly crashed my first one.That why I am so anal about his one... It even looks better then when it was in your shop 3 years ago. My first 02 I had, I had it in michigan before it got shipped out o WA state. That first winter with it home back in JAN 02 on leave in MI, WTFO no problem with DCS.. Box stock sled. So my questioning of a bone stock 02 is null and void with the exception of jetting up one size or 2 for toadays crappy fuel. You will have to test the 1 or 2 sizes on a stock motor. (Sleds are different) I didnt even know what DCS was. when I bought it, I though GEE.. Thats a pretty little yellow light that flashes when I start it. 400 miles in MI with No problems, After that, IT got shipped out o WA. State on your tax dollars.. I long tracked that sled and crashes it almost 2 years later...

Bought a 98 MTN with a 144 in November 2004 Put the 02 motor and wiring harness in there with help from a friend.. It bolted right up and wiring harness swap was necessary along with a few other things... 02 CDI is bigger and have to drill a hole.. stupid stuff like that to make it work. December 2004. You ported the motor. January 05 I left the 145 mains in from mountain riding to go to the snow drags. 145 mains in the mountains light never came on.

Sep 05 I bought another 02 from ecopter. 6400 miles. Top end was porked out.. we saw that in your shop. You ported it and rebuilt it. 148.8 147.5 147.5 mains in it

Jan 06 Cousin rides sled and DCS light is on all the time.
Jan 07... sled runs like crap. wont shift right and DCS light is on all the time.

summer/fall 07. You clutching and jetting advice is in the sled. Sled performs flawless except the DCS light still coming on with 150 148.8 148.8 mains. BTW, light wouldnt stay off until I duct taped the air box when you drilled the holes. This was tested in Jan 08

Munising ride 2008. I installed 152.5 mains straight across. Sled hauls A$$ and DCS light wants to stay off until I reach 1 mile of WTFO throttle. My conclusions.. Fuel really helped this situation. Motor was Stupid HOT!! but I ran the sled like never before. Adding octane to the motor is just my way of saying adding more fuel with jetting fatter possibly keeping piston and combustion cooler.. with the 152.5 mains, my plugs on a plug check at WTF open thottle and DCS light flashing with a plug chop were blacker than kunta kintae's A$$.. More than enough fuel. Don, at this point my sled is running flawless except the light. Adding more fuel seems to help and I DID NOT SUFFER a performance loss. At this point, I am going to have to blame PARTIALLY, the sensor itself being sensitive to the motor mods as the sled really performs with the port work. I am going to do research on that plastic washer method as mentioned above. My next test, I will start out with 153.8 152.5 152.5 mains and work my way down until I see that light come on as mentioned above with the plastic washer installed taking note of the temperatues tested in.

Heres a bit of info for you.. ever come across a thread of a properly jetted and piped 04 Viper S?? Guys have problems with the light.. It is designed for what it came with to detect factory specs that are not in specs and sets the light off.. Theres no other way around it but to desensitize the sensor if you KNOW FOR FACT the jetting is correct.

I heard a tap with a wrench will set the light off.

Anyways, not here to argue about it either. I want it to run like it should. That light should NEVER come on even if you held that throttle wide open for 1000 years consecutively on the trail saying you would live that long, that it would never run out of gas/oil and piston rings and pistons lasted forever.
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Don, I know you do alot of SRX/Viper motors and people are thrilled with your work. I am willing to bet that most of them are not 02 SRX motors.

I just wanted to add that I dont think is NOT so much a fuel problem nor the DCS at this point. A stock motor is designed such and such way that it will generate a given signal to the DCS sensor. When you modified my motor, Its going to give some false signals to the sensor being modified and go into DCS mode or there are now signals being created where the sensor THINKS its detonating.

Granted, you should always have to jet richer for the port work as people have done so on earlier year SRX models you did for them. I bet they never complained about their sled because there was no DCS issue to overcome and have put thousands of trouble-free miles on their motors you did for them with no burn downs or no symtoms of possible tear downs after a ring job.

Im not into checking the blue prints of the motor such as exh port timing, transfer port timing, boost port timing, piston timing. Im sure Yamaha did a good job on the motor. I just want to find out what works and what doesnt and what is causing it not to work properly and come up with a solution. So far, I believe Im on the right track.

Im due for a ring change in about another 2000 miles. When I get that DCS light to stay off with a peticular jetting and that washer on the sensor combo, after doing several plug checks at all operating speeds and distances, I will just ride the sled and tear the motor apart when it is due for rings.

I will mike all the top end parts to see if they are in specs and look for obvious damage from being lean or whatever. This will take me about 2 seasons or so but the research will get done. Im here to help you as well Don. There might be some things you need to do extra on 02 SRX models and viper models with the DCS in order to make it work properly before it leaves your shop. If it only involves a little richer jetting and a plastic washer, I might save you and your customers alot of headaches.
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As I said before you need better fuel, more octane, its really that simple! Simply jetting the sled way up will for sure keep your dcs light off but the engine will also lose power because its jetted way too rich. The reason the light is not coming on is because your cooling off the piston,pipe with excess fuel, and with excess fuel is a rich mixture, lower power output.

If you dont think your losing power take the sled to a dyno, hook it up and start changing jets, keep adding fuel and see what happens to the power curve. I dont think you really understand what specific mods do to what certain parts of the engine, as in port timing, head set up, etc. and your basing all this rhetoric posting on someone elses suggestions without having a working knowledge of the engine. I am refering to your comment about "adding more jet adds octane to a motor", and it ran "hotter then heck" with big jets in it.

As far as testing goes, you have to test set ups and changes all in the same conditions, this means various set ups /changes on the same day,temp etc, not a 1 time ride per year as your doing coming up from mississippi.

Thanx for the offer to better help me with doing 02 srx engines for people but I dont seem to have any problems with them, nor do the people that have gotten them done, I appreciate the offer though. They just simply use the right fuel and add booster for cheap insurance against lousy gas found at todays pumps. I think in the long run really the answer may simply be for you to sell the ported topend and remove the clutching set up and return the sled to all stock, sounds like youd have far less trouble with it.

Good luck Tom, be sure to post your pics of the piston wash when you get to that point in your research, see ya later.
As of now the DCS light comes on in pretty much all conditions but not so much now with big jets that I recently put in. I must question though,, 152.5 mains straight across is not really that much richer from what you suggested which was 150 148.8 148.8. It is richer but not to an extreme. How much power you think Im losing???

No. Im not selling my top-end and going back to stock. Why would you want me to do that when you guarantee your work. That would be terrible if I did that and dumped alot of money in it with what you did to it. I will try everything you mentioned including what I have planned for the test and see what the results are but I honestly dont remember you telling me I need to run octane booster to run the sled.

Notice Im not complaining about the clutching this year.. Please dont give up on me and stay with me on this till I get it running the way it should.
Tom a knock sensor is just that. Its a sensor that senses knock in the engine. whatever modifications you do to a motor knock won't change, knocking is knocking plain and simple. Adding the washer like you want to do will only make the sensor be less sensitive. Yes it will make the light come on less often, BUT it wont make the knocking the sensor was previously sensing go away. It may instead cost you pistons... Dont tamper witht the sensor, like everybody else told you, just carry octane booster with ya. If its too mutch of an hassle then, yes maybe you'd be better of going back to stock. Octane booster is in my opignion VERY cheap for the extra grin you get when you get on the throttle! ;)!
LOL.......This thread makes me so happy I dont own a DCS equipped sled!!!!! No little light to worry about flashing, makes me a worry free rider.

Gaser and Go with maybe a little octane boost added to the mix!!!!
I don't have 2002 so I can't comment on that, but when Don and I were discussing a 780 for my 99 fuel quality was one of the first topics that came up. He made it very clear that good gas was going to be my friend. If I couldn't get good gas then octane boost was an acceptable solution. Due to the poor winter here in MN I have only put a couple hundred miles on it, but I've had 0 problems with it. It's done nothing but put a smile on my face.
Who wouldn't want an early warning system to tell you that you may be in store for a burndown. I think it is a great system to have.
Ryan B. what type of Octane booster are you using?You have a product name to go buy.Some of them boosters don't do much for raising the octane level,maybe just a small % of a number.I remember Turk told me of a product that was really good,but can't remember it's name.
bluemonster1 said:
Who wouldn't want an early warning system to tell you that you may be in store for a burndown. I think it is a great system to have.
Ryan B. what type of Octane booster are you using?You have a product name to go buy.Some of them boosters don't do much for raising the octane level,maybe just a small % of a number.I remember Turk told me of a product that was really good,but can't remember it's name.

I have no worrys about burning down just cause I dont have DCS. Maintenance and fresh gas seems to keep em alive for me. It seems people(mostly SRX owners) that have DCS praise it like it the best thing Yamaha put on the SRX. Just think if they didnt put DCS on the SRX....... We'd all be riding the same sled as the 01 thats was jetted to specs that most of you 02's owner are jetting to now and we wouldnt be 6 pages deep on this thread alone. Im sorry if I was that worried about burning down Id spend the money on EGT's, that way I have a much better window of whats going on AND where. Even still though neither of those opitions(DCS/EGT) are failsafe, so Id rather not worry about it. But since I like to live on the edge...lol yea right.....I live my life without DCS or EGT's on both my SRX's.

I follow Don's outlook of using octane boost when ever I think the gas MAY need it and for $6-$8 per bottle which is good for 2 tanks, I glady use it.

Lucas and Amsoil are the octane booster I normally use, but may switch to Klotz in the future.
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hookedonblue said:
hey all you guys, i didnt think i would get this much info from my post but i really appreciate all you guys have had to say..

all because you said the 3 letter word.
DCS for life!!!!!!!!!Love it when it stays off..but love it more when it flashes.It is talking to me,letting me know if my gas is good.When you do them long runs pinned,yes I would prefer a little insurance.These are Snow Racer Extreme sleds we are running.
With the price of fuel,oil,Octane Boosters...daman was right.We will only be able to run these sleds on select days.Glad I have the 600 for them crazy days..them crazy airborne days,drift busting days.
It seems to be coming to about $100 a tank and oil to run.Yes select days when gas hits over $7/gal by next season.Guess I have to learn to stay off the throttle and ride like a normal person.
dcs light

Well, I wasnt part of this original thread. Definitely some good information here.

Here's my situation, I have an 02 srx with 8400 miles and just this year, the DCS seems to be going on on all the time, whether hard accelerating but worse at top end and no matter what temperature. I saw the DCS light pretty much every ride with premium fuel from probably a dozen different gas stations and I tried running a full bottle of octatne booster. I also run 2001 main jets. I cant run racing fuel as I do pack pack trips so cant do any better than adding octane booster.

QUESTION: could my dcs light be caused by motor getting older? : ) i.e. more vibration as sled has original rings. Could sled be runnign hotter as it has original antifreeze. I never see a temp light. I will be changing the rings and antifreeze this summer.

QUESTION: could loading the motor more with heavier weights cause it go off more as I changed my clutch setup this year.

QUESTION: Sometimes I feel I am down on power before the DCS light comes on. Can the system be triggered before you see the blinking dcs light?

Thanks for your help.

