New member
stein700sx said:There is alot of things we can be bitter about and also alot of things we can be thankful for. How we all accept the things around us directs our path in life.
A positive attitude towards the situations around us will keep us moving forward. A negative attitude will only bring us spiralling downward. This is a very basic fundamental in life.
We can all look at our goverments and see all the bad they do but if we spend a little effort we can also see the good they do. I am not saying that I agree with all they do but I choose to make the best of it. We can all hate our elected officials but how we use this hatred for them is critical.We can use this to show them that we a better than them by finding better ways to live like a better means of transportation ( electirc cars, trucks that do 60 mpg, and so on) Or we can revolt and all get thown into a poverty stricken society or worse ,killed ( like other third world countries)
We as a society are all to blame for the price of goods that we purchase to a point. If we are willing to pay the price they are willing to sell it at that price. A good case in point is automotive prices in Canada. For all those years we were willing to pay 20-25 percent more than in the USA prices but now we are not willing to pay our Canadian dealers that higher price. We have now forced them to sell these same vehicles at a lower price by simply buying in the USA market and using the power of our stronger dollar.We have taken a negative ( higher priced vehicles) and have seen the positive ( stronger dollar) to change how we purchase vehicles and in turn have changed the ways of the "powers that be" price these vehicles. The change was slow but there was still a change. I still think new vehicles are waaayyy over priced tho.
We could go on and on and on and on on this topic of the future and what it holds for all of us and I think it would be a great read but in the end I will still fill up my gas guzzling truck to go to work and still take my family to hockey,dance, soccer,baseball,dinners,movies and so on. Why? Because I still can.
Very Well Said

hey STEIN and BLKMAX...HI there.I will continue to adapt to the changes as long as I am able to stein said. Out here we used to have a large market gardening operation my grandparents started,my parents and us kids also for a lot of years.It was such a job I will tell you.We as kids never had spare time to do anything in the summer holidays.It was work work work,from 4:30 am we got up and many days worked getting things ready until 10 pm.It was a crazy life,but taught us kids about hard work.As everyone got older,the garden business got smaller.My house is standing right now where alot of these vegetables were grown.We had a lot of thieft of our produce,because we were so close to the Hwy.Cars would stop when it got dark,run into the field and steal what they needed and left.I even caught our neighbours stealing vegies for their suppers.We couldn`t do anything about it.I live on 5 acres now and don`t have much time for vegie growing,but my wife wants me to set up an area and I will do it and start to grow a lot of things again.
I will be looking into a smaller truck for sure,but not a new one.It`s just a work will get scratched and all.I get a little bitter because I want to retire early and I have lost a lot of money in my RRSP`s since last year.When I wife finally retires in 5 years from work,we want to get out of here and head out probably to northern BC where my brother-in law lives,small quite town(no traffic lights in town even)and relax.Sell my house and buy a small shack to live in,grow our food and sled around in the mountains and lakes.It would be about an 1.5 hour ride to the Pacific Ocean from there and the sights are beautiful.I`ll leave the rat race behind me.
I will be looking into a smaller truck for sure,but not a new one.It`s just a work will get scratched and all.I get a little bitter because I want to retire early and I have lost a lot of money in my RRSP`s since last year.When I wife finally retires in 5 years from work,we want to get out of here and head out probably to northern BC where my brother-in law lives,small quite town(no traffic lights in town even)and relax.Sell my house and buy a small shack to live in,grow our food and sled around in the mountains and lakes.It would be about an 1.5 hour ride to the Pacific Ocean from there and the sights are beautiful.I`ll leave the rat race behind me.
sounds great! just leave the trigger lock on the 303(or it won't happen), ok?I think we have all lost on our rrspbluemonster1 said:hey STEIN and BLKMAX...HI there.I will continue to adapt to the changes as long as I am able to stein said. Out here we used to have a large market gardening operation my grandparents started,my parents and us kids also for a lot of years.It was such a job I will tell you.We as kids never had spare time to do anything in the summer holidays.It was work work work,from 4:30 am we got up and many days worked getting things ready until 10 pm.It was a crazy life,but taught us kids about hard work.As everyone got older,the garden business got smaller.My house is standing right now where alot of these vegetables were grown.We had a lot of thieft of our produce,because we were so close to the Hwy.Cars would stop when it got dark,run into the field and steal what they needed and left.I even caught our neighbours stealing vegies for their suppers.We couldn`t do anything about it.I live on 5 acres now and don`t have much time for vegie growing,but my wife wants me to set up an area and I will do it and start to grow a lot of things again.
I will be looking into a smaller truck for sure,but not a new one.It`s just a work will get scratched and all.I get a little bitter because I want to retire early and I have lost a lot of money in my RRSP`s since last year.When I wife finally retires in 5 years from work,we want to get out of here and head out probably to northern BC where my brother-in law lives,small quite town(no traffic lights in town even)and relax.Sell my house and buy a small shack to live in,grow our food and sled around in the mountains and lakes.It would be about an 1.5 hour ride to the Pacific Ocean from there and the sights are beautiful.I`ll leave the rat race behind me.
You've got the right idea there bluemonster1.A simple life.
A good friend of mine who is very successful answered my question which was this
" What's your secret to your business and its success?" He said " One word. SIMPLIFY"
A good friend of mine who is very successful answered my question which was this
" What's your secret to your business and its success?" He said " One word. SIMPLIFY"
New member
a simple life u got to be jokeing if u think that ur going to have a simple life in the future ur a joke u will starve if ur not up to hard work or know how to grow ur food when we have no more food and blue monster is right about the loaded shoot gun , ull get ur skinny *** shanked if u come 2 steal from the country folk. that was the only reason the goverment wanted guns registered so they could round them up when our country has a revolution which u know nothing about . u city people who u think puts the food on ur table, thats a no brainer the way i see it uve taken every thing for granted and 1 day u will may be see the light, now every thing is going smooth muma works and makes 50,ooo a year and papa makes 60.000 then all of a sudden mama gets cancer , be comes very sick can not work any more , so what u going to do now???? buy the way my sister was just diagnoised with cancer and shes the baby of the family, docs said nothing wrong went for 3 mounths lost 35 pounds and yes they are farmmers totally needing 2 people 2 bring in a living, and buy the way it,s not as easy as hiring some one 2 work cause most don,t no how to work, and how u going 2 get the cash if u only have a 10 profit on ur cow at the marlket. the meat pakers not hurting the stores not hurting they only talk about the 2 billion dollar profit they had for the year , bunch of bull ---- now eat crow my 2 cents Al
I am not talking about Ma and Pa Kettle simple life. Just simplify your life.Do we need 3 or 4 sleds to drive? No, we don't but we do it because we can. Its is alot more work keeping our toys in good driving condition.
I hope and pray that I nor my kids will ever see the day that we have to protect our food with guns. It would be a sad day for us all.
Sorry to hear about your sister extreme4max4rules. Cancer SUCKS! I have lost 2 aunts and a granfather to cancer in the last five years. My father in-law has been given a year or so and that will depend of course if he is healthy enough to survive a quad bypass.His twin has been given less than a year and they have done all that the medical field can do for her. Both have artery problems. And YES, this has been hard on our family but we all help each other in ways that we can. Will we ever get back what we lost? No, but we have learned to make the best of it.
BTW I'd rather eat steak than crow LOL
I hope and pray that I nor my kids will ever see the day that we have to protect our food with guns. It would be a sad day for us all.
Sorry to hear about your sister extreme4max4rules. Cancer SUCKS! I have lost 2 aunts and a granfather to cancer in the last five years. My father in-law has been given a year or so and that will depend of course if he is healthy enough to survive a quad bypass.His twin has been given less than a year and they have done all that the medical field can do for her. Both have artery problems. And YES, this has been hard on our family but we all help each other in ways that we can. Will we ever get back what we lost? No, but we have learned to make the best of it.
BTW I'd rather eat steak than crow LOL