Made my own clutch sheave remover and have questions.

I will do that,but don't seem to have any problems getting my clutches off anyways.I don't use an impact gun,just clutch holder device and good old fashion muscle with a socket and long handle socket to make sure to clean off any rusty looking stuff on the stub shaft and inner clutch bushing.
If you dont mind my asking where did you buy the replacement parts?I see Royal Dist has a kit for either the primary or secondary but I'm not sure who makes it Kimpex or SPI or some other brand.I'd like to do the same thing to my primary and wondered about those aftermarket kits whether they were any good or not.I'll most likely go with oem parts from Port Yamaha as they seem to have the best prices on Yamaha parts from what I've found so far. it.

I went to richmotorsports for my parts.He is good to us Canadian buyers.Just pm or email him with what parts you need and he will get you a price and then order if you like it.I just went to Yamaha Parts and got the item #'s and gave it to him with the amounts I needed.Got everything done today..all 3 primaries are completely rebuilt and also changed bushings in 2ndary and helix's along with the shoe ramps.Some of them bushing are really nasty to remove.On my 3rd clutch them bushings wouldn't budge.Had to slice them with a dremel.All my clutches are ready for next season.May even try to setup my HC's again on my spare clutch.I want to pu a spare 2ndary to.So I can switch clutches real fast from HC setup to 8DN-20 setup and compare on the same day,same temps,same conditions.
yeah,got 1/2" of snow on my deck table.My daughter went up to Churchill May 1 to do some work for her aunt and they are in a blizzard right now.They have 50kph winds from the north,blowing snow and snow during the week .Wanna take a trip to Churchill Stein.10 hours to Thompson by car and overnight by the train Express.Chug a lug a lug.
if you heat the clutch up a hot plate works well and dosen't transfer much heat to the bushing and allows the clutch to expand and the bushing will pop right out. common practice changing certain wrist pins.
I just took the propane torch and heated the clutch up around the bushing.Took one of the bushings that I removed already and took a bandsaw blade thickness off at the split joint.Then I use this bushing to push the others out easily and then that one just falls out afterwards.Works great.
I know this is an older thread,but it's that time of year and some of you may be wanting to take your clutches apart for servicing.I am just showing how easy it was to do.And Kapusta..this will hopefully help ya out.We should meet this winter for a weekend of riding.How far up North are you again,I forget where you are exactly.
I was planning to buy the expensive clutch tool, but then I was lucky to find this thread :) The clutch has been taken apart and both sheaves has been replaced. Its now time for reasembly and here I have question. Can I use loctite 243 (blue, medium strength) or is red heavy duty loctite like 271 required?
Royal distributing has stopped carrying the 3 post comet clutch spider removal tool as well as the 30mm tapered shaft tool, so I guess Im making some holding tools tonight!! Thanks for this awesome thread!
