4.40 A Gallon..or 2.99 A Gallon? What Whould You Buy

Thanks Gary, coming from you that means alot.

Bakemono, I think this is the first time I have agreed with you on any topic. Its nice not bumping heads all the time. LOL

I hate to say it but my money is on Honda for having the first prodution Hydrogen powered car. I know theyre working on it but didnt know if there was a scheduled production date or not.
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good reading guy ...yes we all have to face it we need our gas guzzlers(sled) and something to pull the trailer with ...cheap gas is gone forever ....bad to say we wish gas was 2.00 or even 3.00 a gallon ...my work truck is a 08 ford f250 with a triton v 10 ...and all i can say is a am glad i dont buy the gas in that ....137.55 to fill today and at 11.7 miles to the gallon it goes fast ...i know ethanol plants are poping up like wild flowers around here i got 4 in a 50 mile radius from me .....but what it all points to is back to the horse and buggy .....or 6 place trailers and car pool .....been thinking of adding a second story on the 2 place trailer to haul 4 ....kinda like a car hauler one on top the other ....think it would be too top heavy ?
ExpertXViper said:
Bakemono, I think this is the first time I have agreed with you on any topic. Its nice not bumping heads all the time. LOL
Theres a first time for everything. ;)! I apologize if I rubbed anyone the wrong way. I will admit that I am a very opinionated person and I am definetly not shy about standing up for what I believe in.
Just know that even if I dont agree with someone, I will always respect their opinion.
YA*AM*A*HEAD said:
my work truck is a 08 ford f250 with a triton v 10 ...and all i can say is a am glad i dont buy the gas in that ....137.55 to fill today and at 11.7 miles to the gallon it goes fast ...
I hear ya. Im whining enough about spending $70 a week just to drive my F-150 back and forh to work (it gets about 17 mpg on the highway), I couldnt imagine if I had a 3/4 ton truck that only gets 10-12 mpg.
I know that a lot of people who bought big diesel trucks back when diesel was less expensive than gas are REALLY feeling the pain at the pump.
It sucks, but what can you do? Like I said, Im going to downsize to a Toyota Tacoma when it comes time to replace my truck, but with how much the value of especially fullsize trucks has dropped recently, I might just as well drive the old Ford until it falls apart.
drive it til it falls apart or put a free sign on it ...have to damn near give it away ....but 17 aint bad ..not good ...but aint bad my yukon is olny getting 13 to 15 at best ....empty ....pullin 2 sleds it is horrable like 10 mpg .....toyota are nice but expensive i couldnt touch one in the mid to late 90 for less than 5000 and them were in rough shape nice one was like 8000 .....gas goes any higher we should just go kick some butt and take it

Here's a thought for everyone. Some company is developing a hydrogen cell to install in an existing vehicle to run the engine on Hydrogen. And it doesn't limit the vehicle's ability to run on regular gasoline, and it comes with a home generation kit that can be run with a solar cell! Just curious as to how much it will cost.
i bet that kit will be salty when first released ...but i am sure it would pay for it self in no time...
YA*AM*A*HEAD said:
drive it til it falls apart
Thats pretty much my plan. The truck isnt worth anything, so why get rid of it.
toyota are nice but expensive i couldnt touch one in the mid to late 90 for less than 5000 and them were in rough shape nice one was like 8000
Yeah, thats true. You get what you pay for though. Its kinda like with sleds. Sure, you could spend less with buying something other than a Yamaha, but would you really want to? IMO, Toyotas and Yamahas are worth whatever extra they cost because they are just plain better.
I hear ya about the gas prices too, but there isnt much you can do about it. The only real benefit that most of us have is that in the winter when the gas prices are down because of lower demand, thats when we do most of our traveling.
I'll tell you what though, if gas is still over $3 a gallon this winter, I will be doing a lot more riding at home in southern Wisconsin instead of in the Minocqua area.
I normally go up to Minocqua 2-3 times each summer to get firewood from my parents' land, but lately Ive begun looking for firewood closer to home. My brother and I spent about 10 hours cutting firewood yesterday. We cut the trees down, cut them up and hauled them away for this guy and we got to keep the wood for free. Good deal. He got his trees removed for free and we got 2 truckloads of wood that will help keep our heat bills down this winter. Plus, I didnt have to spend $180 driving up to Minocqua and back and I didnt have to rack up an extra 500 miles on my truck.
I'll tell you one thing though. As much as I enjoy playing lumberjack for the day and being able to play with the chainsaws, Im pretty sore today and I think today is going to be a pretty lazy day for me. Im going to watch the NASCAR race (GO TOYOTA!!!) and then I think Im going to take a nap.
lotta good posts gys.. I'm sorry if you're NOT making a killing off of CORN. I live in CHICAGO and in Illinois,,,, noone wants to grow soybeans anymore!!! They have found their CASH CROP and are taking it to the next level.. LOOK AT THE NEWSPAPER and look at the FUTURES market!!!!! You can basically tell WHAT prices are going to do... AS FAR AS MFT (motor fuel taxes).. the GOVT already has a SURPLUS of cash laying around because the MFT is a percentage of the SALE>> if gas is 2.00 a gallon,, they get around 35CENTS.. if gas is $4.00 a gallon,, they get 70 CENTS PER GALLON!!! The GOVT is making a KILLING on MFT monies and they are LOVING IT!!! I personally get PAID from MFT monies,,so,,PLEASE KEEP IT COMING!!!!!
the fuel companies are making RECORD PROFITS and the govt is getting rich also!!! They complained about having NO MONEY a few years ago while they were installing MILLION DOLLAR flower pots in the middle of the road here in chicago... NEW street lights too!!! STILL CRYING that they are broke.... They paid for a study that told them FLOWERPOTS in the middle of the street causes ACCIDENTS,, so NOW THEY NEED money to remove the flowerpots...and replace the broken out streets!! THEY ARE ALWAYS THINKING!!!!!!!!!
I could write a book about BP and EXXON MOBIL!!!! I am just NOT SURE what to name it though??? any thoughts???
nosboy said:
AS FAR AS MFT (motor fuel taxes).. the GOVT already has a SURPLUS of cash laying around because the MFT is a percentage of the SALE>> if gas is 2.00 a gallon,, they get around 35CENTS.. if gas is $4.00 a gallon,, they get 70 CENTS PER GALLON!!! The GOVT is making a KILLING on MFT monies and they are LOVING IT!!! I personally get PAID from MFT monies,,so,,PLEASE KEEP IT COMING!!!!!

Unless you're talking about something different they just said on the news the other night that the gov't makes 18.5 cents off each gallon of gas. They said it's a fixed rate, not a percentage.
Maybe the FEDERAL government gets 18.5 cents after the municipalities get ahold of it,, but as it stands MFT (motor fuel taxes) is right around SEVENTY CENTS a gallon!!! (with gas being $4.00 a gallon)
There is no easy answer. Petroleum is the easiest, cheapest thing we have right now. But it is clear that we have to make some changes. Even though they have only a small part of it, the Middle East pretty much controls the world oil market.

The figures on the U.S. oil reserves do not really tell the whole story. Much of that petroleum is contained in rock that makes it impractical to obtain it. It would cost too much and use too much energy. We could not get enough fuel fast enough to supply the U.S. needs and if usage rates continue, we will always be forced to buy oil from foreign countries. And todays petroleum usage figures are mind boggling. The U.S. consumption is about 20 MILLION barrels a DAY ...... not gallons, barrels.
The world usage is over 500 billion gallons a year.

That is the same story with many of the ways that people say "Well why don't they just....". There is usually a good answer.

The hydrogen and oxygen that could be obtained from water would be great, but it costs more to produce it than the energy obtained is worth. In recent years there has been talk of low ground water levels and water shortages. The Great Lakes states and Canadian provinces are worried about the Great Lakes water volumes and legislation is being enacted to try to save the water. The oceans have a limited amount of water too of course, and the salt content would make usage more expensive. So using billions of gallons of water for fuel would not be the answer either.

Not only does ethanol cost a lot to produce and takes more precious energy than petroleum to do it, we are paying taxes (beyond the taxes at the pump) to subsidize it.

As time goes on, instead of relying so heavily on one source of energy, a variety of sources will help. The more wind, water power and sun we use will lessen our need for petroleum. Ethanol will likely continue to play a part, the production of hydrogen may become more efficient and the usage of natural gas and other fuels will also contribute.
But the cost will likely always be much higher than it has been in the past.
I saw this post and started to read it. Lots of enjoyable reading...

I bought a new 2006 Yamaha Vino 125 (leftover from a dealer who bought out an old dealer) and I have to say I enjoy it a lot. Since April, I put over 1,200 miles on it. It averages 80 miles a gallon. The average speed is 55 miles per hour and I put on about 40 miles a day back and forth from work. I ride it rain or shine, but not in thunder storms.

I ride mostly country - between cities. The scooter is full throttle for at least 25 miles of the 40 mile trip. My top speed thus far is 69 MPH but that was with a stiff wind behind me and down hill !!! LOL

The truck sits in garage and is only used to pull the boat this summer. Our gas bill went from over $325 / month to under $150 / month.

The scooter was only $2,100. I believe it will pay for itself this summer. It may not be Cool but the money we save pays for our boat fun - if it ever gets warmer...

Have fun and think snow!!! Well at least lets have a nice summer first...

Don't blame big oil Blame politicians for letting Oil be your only choice. Until there is a real alternative we are screwed!!!
