1991 Exciter and 96 V max 600


New member
Aug 22, 2008
Waterford, MI
Howdy all, I'm new here and this is my first posting. I have a 91 Exciter and I'm wondering what kind of gas mileage I should be getting. This will be my wife's machine soon and I'm considering a 96 V max as a replacement. I'm wondering if anyone knows the mileage difference I can expect. I'm looking to spend @ $1400 and want that happy median of trail performance and mileage. I don't race (much) and don't want to get waxed by a 440. I have no idea the weight differences or power differences between the two and it's hard to find these specs. Any help would be GREATLY helpful.
What size is the 96 Vmax?
They were either 500cc or 600cc

I had a few of the Exciters back in the day, 87,88,90 & 91 & then in 94, I went to the Vmax 600.

My experience was the mpg were close. Now, I ride at 4000 to 7000'
which will make some difference in mpg. Also riding style makes a difference.

During this period my wife would be on a Phazer2. She would get 15-16mpg & I would get 11-12mpg. The Max when pushed was a bit more thirsty than the Exciter. 9-11mpg is where I recall the Vmax 600 would run.

Sure beats the 5-6mpg I get with my current Vmax4 !! LOL

I still like that Exciter chassis for light wieght "throw it around stuff" & that is why I am doing a "custom boondocker sled project" based on a 93 Exciter SX chassis.

The Vmax is a 600 and I spoke to a guy today that said to go with the 97-98 V max instead as the suspension, etc was like day and night in differences/handling. Trying to figure the performance/mpg differences is kinda tough. If the performance differences are huge and mpg not much worse, then it's a no-brainer. If they are the same in most aspects like ride and handling, then I'd save my money. I guess it will come down to comfort/handling as I'm not going to race. It's good to know the mpg differences though. I've heard the triples are better on gas, but then there one more carb to monkey with . . . . aaaaarrrrgggghhhh!
I bought a 98 Vmax 700sx last year, and if I recall correctly, I figured it out to 13.7 mpg for the year. I ride pretty hard, (my brother says, harder than I should). I put about 380 miles on it last year. It might have been even better, but on my last trip (about 90 miles) it started fouling a plug on the last half of the trip. I had to change out 3 plugs in the same cylinder before we got back home.
i have a 95 v max 500 for the gf and you guys are right the newer ones are the proaction as the 95 is the tss suspension. i find though the tss handles easier with less darting now i let friends ride the tss last year also and with a combined 1000 miles between everyone riding it not one person complained about the ride in fact one of the guys wants to buy it.

The darting is caused by the skis, you throw on a different set of skis and the darting will be nearly gone, will have some but not as major. I use to run a 96 600XT and my 00 SXR 700 is by far the best thing I did. I got mine ridiculously cheap, but if you keep your eye out on craigslist and on here you will find yourself a good deal.
Also don't be afraid of the extra carb of a triple as its a very reliable and forgiving setup that virtualy never need adjustment once setup how you want it.
Any suggestions as to which triples to buy? I know I'd love to get an 01 srx, but I'd be willing to bet that one would be out of my price range. Comfort is a good thing, but before the 91 Exciter, the last machine I had access to was a 1972 Suzuki 360 Nomad. Great machine for it's time but rode like a buckboard. I was spoiled by my Exciter in comparison. I was elated when I discovered it had hand warmers. Which machines have a 600 triple and what's the power/mileage difference between the 600 and 700? Thanks everyone for your great feedback!
Loook for an '00 or '01 sx-r 6-700 engine, one tip with the triples is that they did'nt make the 600 triple before '99 so if its older than that its a twin.The 700 was built from '97 on.The 600 was available in several different models from '99 on including the sx, sx-r v-max sx-venom and the venture.The red head triples as there called are good on fuel in general, but the 600 is a little better probably 1-2 mpg on average.The six makes about 98-99 hp and the 7 is in the 110-112 range with both having very similar powerbands.I'd go for the seven if it was me ,but you can't go wrong.
From what I've gathered, the 700 is supposed to be one of the best ever. I'm not going to worry about 1-2 mpg difference; I still love performance. These sleds seem to be difficult to get a hold of. What do these gems seem to go for? I've seen a few and they are asking over 2k, which in the long run, isn't that much for the reliability, but still, a sizable chunk of change (and a tough sell for the wife). I guess I'll have to hustle and get a few more photographic jobs!
Thanks Again,
I found a 2000 srx millennium edition not too far from me with just over 1200 on it. The owner states:

Rip-Saw Track Installed, Blk. Graphite Sliders (Hyfax), Drive Belt, & (2) 8in. Woody Carbides.

Maintained with AMS OIL Dominator Full Synthetic Racing Oil & 3 NGK Iridium BR9EIX Spark Plugs.

Also Installed is a Bender Clutch Kit, Cobra Low Profile Windshield, & (2) 45 Degree Handle Bar Hooks.


This sure is a pretty little beast!
How much? Srx is a triple piped where the sx/sx-r's are single piped triples.The srx's will generally be more money, but it depends on year alot also.You should be able to get something real nice in the 2000 range as you stated.Some on here have picked up '00 sx-r's for 12-1500 range so just keep your eyes peeled and its still early.In my experience in september you will start seeing alot more sleds for sale everywhere including the classifieds on this forum.

I found an 01 Vmax 700 with under 1700 miles on it. It's the silver machine and from what I can figure, this is the deluxe sled for trails/touring which would probably suit me. I don't know what the differences are between that and the srx, but he's asking 1800 for it. Any thoughts?
the vmax is going to be a tripple cylinder, single pipe machine versus the srx being a tripple-tripple. The SRX is built to go fast and corner flat. The srx has less travel in the suspension unless it was modified (which is commonly done.) The vmax is going to be a more "plush" ride assuming it is set-up correctly.
How about mpg difference? I don't know if the pipe types will make a difference or not. I would rather have a comfortable ride than an all-out screamer as I'm not going to race it. I do like to go fast, but I ride more trails than I do flat open areas.
I picked up my 00 SXr with like 1400 miles on it for 1600, came pretty stock except a new Ice Ripper track. I personally went with the SXR cause of the suspension, and I think the SXR is fast enough with the things I have done to it, I mean I can keep up a new Nytro on trails up north with a crazy driver. Sure hes got more nut, but I still love my sled. Keep watching Craigslist.com thats what I did, found the sled called the guy he said 2000 I said 1600 cash right now, and 20 minutes later it was on my trailer
