New member
Went to check prices on a Nytro XTX today and the dealer offered me $2000 trade for my 04' Venom with 5000 miles. Of course that's stock and I'd sell my pipes separate. So total out the door it would be $8650 (freight, tax, registration, and trail permit). Does everything sound about right? I was wondering what others are seeing for prices on these new sleds. I know I might get more out of my sled selling to someone else, but I figured that was a decent trade in price. Just looking for some input, it's a bit to bite right now with the cost of school and student loans due in about a year.
Really it's up to you. I know lots of guys will tell you the new sleds rock (and they DO!), but YOU need to decide if the cash outlay or payments on a new one are for you. Also, how much do you ride? Worth it? There's a lot to be said for having a paid-for sled in your garage......and not looking at it twice when the cash starts to get a little low.
My 2 cents.
My 2 cents.
New member
To me you just have to weigh your options and see which scenario you desire most.
1. You keep your sled and don't worry about the new one's. You don't really have to worry about keeping your sled because it is not costing you anything.
2. You buy the Nytro and have a blast having a new sled but when money comes in a crunch you may have to make a sacrifice. Being getting rid of your new sled.
I am not sure about the sled prices right now though I can not help on that one. Good luck.
I made a similar decision lately.
1. You keep your sled and don't worry about the new one's. You don't really have to worry about keeping your sled because it is not costing you anything.
2. You buy the Nytro and have a blast having a new sled but when money comes in a crunch you may have to make a sacrifice. Being getting rid of your new sled.
I am not sure about the sled prices right now though I can not help on that one. Good luck.
I made a similar decision lately.
New member
I cant justify 10grand for a sled that I will only put 500 miles a year on, and have to drive across a state and a half to get to the Mts. Next year that $10000 dollar sled is worth $7800 with very few miles on it. The next year its worth $6700 with 1000 miles on it and is barley broke in. OH....and I forgot about all modding a guy has to do. Very few things depreciate as fast as a sled.
New member
cacsrx1 said:I cant justify 10grand for a sled that I will only put 500 miles a year on, and have to drive across a state and a half to get to the Mts. Next year that $10000 dollar sled is worth $7800 with very few miles on it. The next year its worth $6700 with 1000 miles on it and is barley broke in. OH....and I forgot about all modding a guy has to do. Very few things depreciate as fast as a sled.
Thats why I havent done it, you got used 06-07 Apex already going for $5000-$6500 with low miles, sleds that were going for $10g's new less than 2-3 years ago. I could have sold both my SRX's and got into a new sled but this is the way I look at it. Im selling 2 sleds for one and Im still gunna owe money on it???? NO THANKS.......... Ill keep both and if one take a sh*t guess what I still have a back up.
Active member
Keep your sled IMO - I'm keeping mine. You can buy a lot of gas for your venom with $8500.
(I'll give you 2k for your venom!)

(I'll give you 2k for your venom!)

New member
Thanks, all really good points that I've thought over. It's really nice having my sled paid off. It was simply a bad idea going to that damn dealer. I could float the payments, but I know the economy is in really bad shape. I might just have to hold off and look at used sleds. Its just so tempting with that bad ride. I'll easily put on 1500 miles if I want to. Last year was cut short because a chain case bearing. Nothing major, but I figured I'd better quit after a costly rebuild last year. Again thanks for all the input. I remember when I bought my sled new, and loved every minute of it. Then remembered thanking God I payed it off. Just too tempting.
New member
I have a feeling I'd miss the sound of those pipes. I'll probably get more head turns with the pipes instead of the XTX.
New member
Its only money dude!
Come on, go buy the new one! You know ya wanna!
I had to have my 07 apex rtx last year and I got it. Love it and never looked back.
Just my opinion,
Come on, go buy the new one! You know ya wanna!
I had to have my 07 apex rtx last year and I got it. Love it and never looked back.
Just my opinion,
WOW WOW WOW Drew...that is a tought decision...Maybe you can do as I do...try to have a few older sleds in that case if one brakes you can ride another and if you have a few nice ones then you can pick wich one you ride each day....
I don't know, where you are is probably worth it, but here we don't get snow and have to drive a long ways just so your 10 K are not colecting dust is hard sometimes.

I don't know, where you are is probably worth it, but here we don't get snow and have to drive a long ways just so your 10 K are not colecting dust is hard sometimes.
Hey besides I was thinking long track that puppy of yours and maybe keep putting money like a port job or something, make it a mean mean sled spend a few grand in it and then it will be like a new toys a few more years...just make a real custom job, that will turn some heads.....
New member
It's hard to put any more money in that project. I know I should just keep it and make it a custom job. It's just getting real hard to bite the bullet and spend money on it. Time is getting less and less for working on it with school dwindling down. I talked with my dad and he said he'd cosign, but I could here it in his voice, that worried feeling that it might be too much for me. I've had so many people tell me here at school just do it because I only live once. Who to listen to the little devil or the little angel. I'll let my girl friend decide. 

VenomMod said:It's hard to put any more money in that project. I know I should just keep it and make it a custom job. It's just getting real hard to bite the bullet and spend money on it. Time is getting less and less for working on it with school dwindling down. I talked with my dad and he said he'd cosign, but I could here it in his voice, that worried feeling that it might be too much for me. I've had so many people tell me here at school just do it because I only live once. Who to listen to the little devil or the little angel. I'll let my girl friend decide.![]()
You Sure.....?
Hey no matter what you do just dont regret it later just enjoy it....I been thinking about the new sleds but I needed a new truck and a new car for the wife this year, and an expensive new sled has to wait....
One more thing Drew.......

New member
yeah they do rule. It's one of the few things that gets me excited. The sound and smell of triples at nine grand on a clear cold night. Enough to send a shiver down my spine now.
New member
Put a different skidframe on there I am sure you could find a sc-10 3 or a edge suspension for 3-400 range.This will make it feel alot more like a new sled and you won't be loosing that sweet triple sound, what a classic I sure love mine and on top of it all no payment as has been discussed!You may even be able to find a m-10 or expert x cheap, its a buyers market as there are alot of people hurting for money right now.
New member
Yeah i've had that thought for a while now. I've been out looking for a long time, but have been waiting to see what's going to happen. It of course never fails that I find one I want and don't have the money at that time. I'm notorious for thinking about something too long and then it's too late. But hell I waited five years with driving a beater then bought a new Silverado. So we'll see. It's gotta snow first then I'll make the decision I'll regret lol. Again thanks everyone for the input.
New member
In my opinion, keep it and throught a new expert x under it. Yeah your gonna spend 1500-2000 on it but its not 10 grand. But with a new skid that sled will be pretty much new. The reason I say this is I had a 02 viper built up with that skid and I sold it and bought a new nytro and I regret it alot. Don't get me wrong I love the new sled, but I think the expert weight transfers better and handles the big bumps better. Its a good combo with viper chassis and 2-stroke power band. You won't regret it take my word. Just my 2 cents. Good luck.
I personally think it's Nuts to buy a brand new sled if you have a good reliable used one. Don't get me wrong I look at the new ones all the time and dream. It's not that I could not afford it but after that first short snowy season you once again have a used machine. My friend bought an AC Jaguar 4 stroke two seasons ago. He was one of the first ones to have one. Yeah it was a cool sled but 2 years later it's just another used sled that he is STILL making payments for. The same year I bought myself an Rx-warrior and a Viper for my girlfriend. It cost me half of what he paid for the NEW Jag to have both of my machines. Guess what I have NO payments! That feels alot better then the feeling of owning the latest machine.
Then again I do really like that Nytro XTX! Just wait two years and buy it for 2/3 of the price. That's just my take on it!
Then again I do really like that Nytro XTX! Just wait two years and buy it for 2/3 of the price. That's just my take on it!
You should be able to do better on the price.
After being totally insulted on the trade in value of my 04 Viper S, I installed an M-10.
Also remeber, none of the 4 strokes have the same level of wind protection that the Vipers and Venoms have.
Many of the 4 strokes get 18 MPG, I see around 13, so the break even point, if I were to buy a 4 stroke would be several years down the road. As far as 2 stroke smell, I run Amzoil, and have no complaints.
I will own a used 4 stroke someday. meanwhile the money in the bank will allow me to take several trips.
Also remeber, none of the 4 strokes have the same level of wind protection that the Vipers and Venoms have.
Many of the 4 strokes get 18 MPG, I see around 13, so the break even point, if I were to buy a 4 stroke would be several years down the road. As far as 2 stroke smell, I run Amzoil, and have no complaints.
I will own a used 4 stroke someday. meanwhile the money in the bank will allow me to take several trips.