stripped carbide bolt?


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Paw Paw
Hey guys i was puting on my new carbides and I stripped the second bolt from the front of the ski on Both SKIS. I have all the other three bolts secured.

I am sure this has happened to some of you, my question is will it be ok If I do not secure that bolt or should I just buy new carbides and try it again :o|

Or just rethread the stripped bolt on the carbide and get the correct sized nut to go on the new threads.

I wouldn't recommend just leaving it as it is....definitely take your pick from mine one of the suggestions above.

--Steve (O.C.)
If the stud is long enough- put another nut on top of the stripped one, or if the stripped nut is off, put a spacer or some washers on the stud so a good nut will seat on the good threads. And don't tighten it so tight!!
If the carbide bolt is stripped on the first two or three threads just cut them off and try to put the old bolt back on, if the old bolt is not stripped.
