WTF???? Unbelievable

Turk said:
Thanx guys
It just blows me away that a guy figures he shoulda got more for free. some guys have huge kahonies. It is allmost funny

I'm with you Turk. Just remember he will pay at the are going to brake he will be sitting on the trial...something will happend....

By the way and I have to say this cause COJONES is the word not kahonies if that's what you know I have to fix my spanish word while I can, Imagine the trillion times I messed up here with my english....Hey I'm sure I got something wrong on these lines also....But hey like I said I'm a frigging Latino right....

Good luck and forget about this LOSER!!!!

Nicko said:
I'm with you Turk. Just remember he will pay at the are going to brake he will be sitting on the trial...something will happend....

By the way and I have to say this cause COJONES is the word not kahonies if that's what you know I have to fix my spanish word while I can, Imagine the trillion times I messed up here with my english....Hey I'm sure I got something wrong on these lines also....But hey like I said I'm a frigging Latino right....

Good luck and forget about this LOSER!!!!


LMAO, Then he'll blame Turk for giving him Free broken parts!

Turk Just forget about him, He obviously has no respect for what you've done for him! What a JERK! It's too bad that people like him ruin it for us all!
That is an invasion of privacy. Yes The unknown person is an asshat, but there should be no need for you to know. Regardless of your status here!
MrSled said:
So it all the guys that shaft others but I need to know to keep an will be kept confidential as are the others.

I don't understand what you just said, but I still don't think it's right. From what I gathered from this thread, He didn't rip off Turk. He just expected to much, and was a asshat about it! If it's confidential how are others going to know about it. Either post it all over the board (In a case where someone gets ripped) Or it remains SILENT!

Turk what you did was an awesome thing! I, Just like many others respect and thank you greatly for what you've done and will continue doing (Hopefully). This unknown person was one that did not!

:dunno: why, But :die: Unknown person! And :rockon: TURK!!!!!
MrSled said:
LMAO.... think one thing and type the other... its secrete code. LOL

LMAO, Isn't it great! That was directed to the OP. If he wanted it plastered all over the site he would have posted a Name, But he didn't so It's left silent.
Hey turk that really sucks to C-money spent on jerks like that and not have them even appreciate it, am i wrong or am i right? Guys like that dont even deserve to have their names kept secret, oops he didnt actually rip anyone off,so maybe he does, but he is still not worthy of this site, IMO
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And you do, to a degree. MrSled is going to put that guys handle on list he has at home(I assume he has one) so that in the future, when he's in the lime light once more, MrSled will have some history to go on. If he otherwise goes about his business on TY without ever poking the bear again, nobody will ever talk about him again.
I have nothing more to argue about. I have my own opinions about both sides. His name should be plastered, But it a way it should be kept silent b/c he didn't rip anyone YET! You get it? Or am I peeing in then wind? Lol
shortstop20 said:
No, you shouldn't.

"LOL. It was you wasn't it"

That was a joke! Breath man! Lol

Oh yeah that's a joke too. Man I hate the net, It's hard to give away the humor. :o|
crewchief47 said:
And you do, to a degree. MrSled is going to put that guys handle on list he has at home(I assume he has one) so that in the future, when he's in the lime light once more, MrSled will have some history to go on. If he otherwise goes about his business on TY without ever poking the bear again, nobody will ever talk about him again.

^^^ See right there states you should get SOME privacy. If you believe there shouldn't be then your Email, Name, other personal info given would be posted up for anyone to see it.
Sucks Turk.. It kinda ruins the feelin good for doing a good deed thing. I've noticed myself everyone wants things for free plus some lately when trying to give things away for free, or just plain sell things.
Oh well, that's why they created ebay!!
98700 said:
^^^ See right there states you should get SOME privacy. If you believe there shouldn't be then your Email, Name, other personal info given would be posted up for anyone to see it.

I never said there shouldn't be any, I just said you shouldn't expect any. Do you realize how easy it is to get a name, e-mail address, phone number and home address nowadays?
shortstop20 said:
I never said there shouldn't be any, I just said you shouldn't expect any. Do you realize how easy it is to get a name, e-mail address, phone number and home address nowadays?

Very easy, And we've killed this thread!
