"I think ethanol is nothing more than a political hoax that has been shoved down our thoats and ten years from now there are going to be alot of empty ethanol plants sitting around the country doing nothing but collecting dust!! " There is a lot of truth to that, but what else are you going to do? Ethanol has helped reduce the need for foreign oil. At 10% blend, that is taking 10% of need foreign oil out of each gallon of gas. I'm sure you can lower that number a little seeing it takes fuel to get the corn to and from the ethanol plant, but it is still reducing the demand. If it was not ethanol, there would be something else being shoved down our throats because something has to be done. Ethanol is not the total answer. A lot of money was spent to build all of these ethanol plants because there was money to be made. That is the american way. The same thing happened in the oil refinery business until the 80's when over half of the us refineries shutdown in a decade. There is a lot of bad publicity generated by big oil against ethanol, so believe what you want but there is good in it. Like I said, ethanol is not the answer to our dependence on foreign oil, but it is part of the solution. Either way we go, it is going to cost a lot of money to get away from it, and if you are happy about sending your money over seas to countries that want us to fail, so be it. I would rather pay a little more for things here, to keep our money here. Atleast I feel a little better about it. Thanks for the discussion, and try not to believe everything you hear or read.