Broken Hood Hinge on 98 SRX700


New member
Nov 29, 2004
Does anyone have any recommendations to fix broken hood hinge on 98 SRX700? The plastic bracket that the hinge bolts to snapped off clean at the junction were it is attached (molded) to the hood underside. I've tried epoxy/JB weld but they do not hold together. I do not want to buy a new hood for this, been riding with just one hinge in place. Its holding together, but if that were to break off on the trail I would be screwed. :brr
These hoods are plastic (I think) and not fiberglass. Wondering though if I should fix it with a fiberglass patch. Any help/recommendations are appreciated.
That will be a tough one to fix. Here's an alternative idea for could always buy an aftermarket hood latch kit, and you could mount them up near the front. The snowcross sleds run them.
Thanks, not a bad idea. Also thinking about making an aluminum backer plate with a 90 bend on it, rivet it to the hood and bolt it to the hinge. Color the rivets so they don't stickout to bad. Your idea might look better though. Thanks Valin.
plexus ma310 high strength plastic adhesive, make sure you use the plastic cleaner also. the hinge will be stronger then new, just make sure you dont get any of this stuff on anything you dont want it on becouse once it hardens, it will NEVER come off.
Where can you purchase Plexus? I have found it on line, but just wondering if any stores would carry it locally. Maybe Napa, Autozone? Thanks.
milljk said:
Where can you purchase Plexus? I have found it on line, but just wondering if any stores would carry it locally. Maybe Napa, Autozone? Thanks. part# cdm-302143, $12.14 each, you wont find it at any of the stores you mentioned
Has anyone else used this plexus stuff or know of any other type of epoxy that will be strong enough to hold hood hinge tabs on?
fiber glass it. i did it to my 2000 sxr 700 with the exact same problem, except both were snapped clean off and it worked perfectly. i took the hood off and used marine 2 part epoxy with fiber glass mat that i had left over from a boat i built. then i just re drilled the holes and bolted it back together.
593.jpg This is the only one i have at the moment. this is the repair of the excel 3. ill get some of the sxr when im up north next. i used east system epoxy. really any good epoxy will do ( i prefer marine) its all about the surface prep,the use of fiberglass mat and getting all the air bubbles out.

when i did the hinge tabs on my sxr, i didn't even clamp them in place. i simply cut the fiberglass mat to over lap with no wrinkles and used the weight and tackiness of the epoxy to hold it in place once it had set up a bit.
It has PP stamped on the back of the hood, from what I've read online that stands for polypropylene. Is that plastic welding usually pretty strong?
Well in my neck of the woods aquaculture is quite a huge industry and the main material for the holding cages that are anchored in the Atlantic ocean is HDPE.They're made up of round pipe that are welded (fused) together to form a cage with uprights and rails.Each cage holds thousands of fish worth potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars so if the farmers have faith in the plastic cage taking a beating in the Atlantic ocean I think it should hold up on the hood of a sled.If done right a plastic weld will hold the hinge tab on there stronger than it was before.The key is to make sure the filler material is the same as what the hood is made of.
I've been watching videos on plastic welding and pricing the welders out, I might just buy a welder and do it myself. Doesn't look too complicated and a harbor freight has a welder for $69.99 and it has good reviews. Would be nice to have one anyways, there's been so many times that I've had something plastic break on me and I either end up gluing it or throwing it out and buying a new one.
