Replacing drive shaft - Problems?


Mar 14, 2005
Put a new track on my SRX this weekend and I'm feeling like I have a problem.

As I put the shaft back in and slide the chain case back on, It's looking as though the chaft is not sliding into the chain case enough. After I place the sleeve onto the shaft, I only have about 1/2" of shaft remaining to set the gear on. Less than half of the gear is on the shaft. When i look under the tunnel, it looks like the shaft should shift 1/4 more towards the chain case side. But, it won't budge. When I look at the speedo side the bearing sticks out about 1/4". I this right or should it be flush? I thought that by tightening the case down it would suck the shaft through more, but not much and I could hear a slight pop on the speedo side indicating pressure on the speedo housing. Not sure what is happening.

I lost track of which sleeve went wear on the chaft. On the inside of the chaincase(tunnel side), I placed the smaller sleeve then the oil seel(sleeve). feed through the case than add the slightly larger sleeve, then the gear. Is this correct?

I hope this is not too confusing.
Zachalyse said:
Put a new track on my SRX this weekend and I'm feeling like I have a problem.

As I put the shaft back in and slide the chain case back on, It's looking as though the chaft is not sliding into the chain case enough. After I place the sleeve onto the shaft, I only have about 1/2" of shaft remaining to set the gear on. Less than half of the gear is on the shaft. When i look under the tunnel, it looks like the shaft should shift 1/4 more towards the chain case side. But, it won't budge. When I look at the speedo side the bearing sticks out about 1/4". I this right or should it be flush? I thought that by tightening the case down it would suck the shaft through more, but not much and I could hear a slight pop on the speedo side indicating pressure on the speedo housing. Not sure what is happening.

I lost track of which sleeve went wear on the chaft. On the inside of the chaincase(tunnel side), I placed the smaller sleeve then the oil seel(sleeve). feed through the case than add the slightly larger sleeve, then the gear. Is this correct?

I hope this is not too confusing.
What year & model again
there is only one sleeve on the driveshaft, this is for the seal on the chaincase(inside tunnel to ride on and keep oil from leaking out) the other 2 spacers were for inside the chaincase, behind the gears, the thic one goes on the top shaft, the thin one goes on the bottom(driveshaft, then your bottom gear.
you should have one collar with Oring inside it inside the seal on the back of your chain case in the top and bottom, there is no other spacers on the back side of the case, only these. any other spacers you have go behind the gears.

if you have the shaft pushed out the speedo side, i would bet you have an extra spacer behind the chain case lower bearing and it is pushing the shaft over.

a safety tip for assembly is always install the chain case with the collars installed in the case, not on the shaft. you can damage the seals.
