2010 yammies anyone know if anything lighter and faster

hmmm..I wouldn't imagine much change for this year...maybe a slight visual tweek to the phazer?...possible "bravo or Enticer" sized sled? possibly a tunnel change to some of the other sleds...new skis? oooh...soo Oh.many ideas that one can come up with...guess we'll hafta wait...

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progold said:
If they do come out with a new v-max or srx i dont think it will be a two stroke.

That is a given. Yamaha has been committed to 4 strokes in light ( pun intended) of the new 2 stroke tech.
i would think they would change to a whole different chassis. i could be wrong. im guessing there gonna try for weight savings and maybe a lil hp.
More power would be nice but they need to get the weight down more than anything. If they designed a new chassis, still used the same motor and the weight was 500 pounds they would sell more of them than they could make. Yami needs to cut some of the fat on that pig. No pun intended.
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Srxspec said:
They are built strong & heavy to withstand the abuse from guys like jr_amsoil!

TuRbO :dunno:


I agree that Yami should get the weight lower as well. I have been mighty impressed by how the yamaha 4 strokes feel and act lighter than they are due to careful placement of components.

But I definitely would not be happy if they made them less durable to accomplish that feat.

Seriously, if I had the $$, I would buy a Nytro XTX right now and I would be 100% happy. I am a big guy, so that sled's weight does not bother me. The extra weight of the apex is noticable compared to the nytro.
