2010 yammies anyone know if anything lighter and faster

Millinocket Rocket said:
SRX 800 triple-w/ triple pipes in a chassis similar to the new nytro, with optional lightweight ZX-2 composite suspension, and an 11 gal. fuel tank...
Now were talking!!
Millinocket Rocket said:
SRX 800 triple-w/ triple pipes in a chassis similar to the new nytro, with optional lightweight ZX-2 composite suspension, and an 11 gal. fuel tank...

I think Skidoo, Polaris, or cat will make one like this before Yamaha does.

I wouldn't hold your breath for Yamaha to do this, unless the "srx 800 triple" was a 4 stroke.
Unfortunetly!! To bad they choose to neglect such a large part of the market. I think the 4 strokes are awesome sleds,and they will improve as the years go on. But, I still would love a light weight, high performance 2 smoker.
Im not saying that the Doo XP is the answer, but you have to admit, its got to be a riot to ride through the trashed trails.
Yamaha could build the same sled with a touch more quality and weight and sell them like I-Hop hotcakes at 3AM .
horkn said:
I think Skidoo, Polaris, or cat will make one like this before Yamaha does.

I wouldn't hold your breath for Yamaha to do this, unless the "srx 800 triple" was a 4 stroke.

I know, I'm just dreaming :dunno: I just wish they'd give us the perfect sled which we all know they are very capable of. The 2- stroke motor would drop some lbs. and gain some more sales from 2-smoke enthusiasts of all brands(especially with the Yammy reliability factor), And they must have the technology to produce an oil sipper like doo has. C'mon now......
Yami always seems to put their previous generation sportbike engine into the latest chasis. If their pattern holds true, we should see a 180 hp sled next year, since they just upgraded the sportbike to 190+ hp. Just my best guess...
Srxspec said:
They are built strong & heavy to withstand the abuse from guys like jr_amsoil!

TuRbO :dunno:

lol. turbo would be great. id have it there in an hour if you will sponsor it for me. haha. that in the clouds for now. think i will get you air box and clutching some time this year.
not gonna lie they are heavy as hell but sitting on them they dont really feel that heavy.
shortstop20 said:
I'm not for sure but if I remember right the motor they are using now is comparable to the '03 R1 motor.

yes, it has the 5 valve heads, so it is the up to 03 r1 derived mill. In 04 they went to 4 valve heads for the first time on an R1. As a matter of fact, the entire motor on the 04 R1 was a clean sheet design versus the 03 r1.

The new r1 crossplane crankshaft would be sweet to have on a sled.

Maybe we will get the new 09 r1's mill ina sled for 2010.
shortstop20 said:
2007 was the year the R1 went to a 4 valve cylinder head.

Oops sorry. You are correct. I keep forgetting that the 09 model is now 2 generations newer than the 04-06 models.

I really like the 04-06 R1. At 6'4" I actually fit on them, and they still have the 5 valve head. Plus it's dead sexxxyy. The looks of the new 09 are going to have to grow on me more. I really liked the long flowing tail section of the 04-06 and the 07-08 r1. The stubby tail on the 09 just is not as appealing to me.
The only thing I heard (just on other forums) is a new chassis for the Apex.

Dear Yamaha,

The Nytro MTX

How about a bigger gas tank around 10 gal. Get rid of that horrable rear tunnel section (WTF is that). Better track similar to a Challenger Extreame 2.25 or 2.5. Drop ATLEAST 15-20lbs. Add 10-15 hp.

Then I would own a Nytro MTX.
I'd think about buying one too with those specs.

Trail Tank Inc. makes a 10 gallon tank for the Nytro. I agree it should be stock though. The 8 gallon tank was nothing more than a marketing technique by Yami to show how the Nytro was similar in wet weight to the 2 strokes. Gas weighs the same for every sled, who cares. If I wanted 8 gallons of gas I'd put that much in the 10 gallon tank. :o|
shortstop20 said:
I'd think about buying one too with those specs.

Trail Tank Inc. makes a 10 gallon tank for the Nytro. I agree it should be stock though. The 8 gallon tank was nothing more than a marketing technique by Yami to show how the Nytro was similar in wet weight to the 2 strokes. Gas weighs the same for every sled, who cares. If I wanted 8 gallons of gas I'd put that much in the 10 gallon tank. :o|

For me the only gripe I have about the nytro is the small tank. I think a 10g tank should be standard as well, at bare minimum.

You shouldn't have to go to the aftermarket for a normal sized tank.
You can find out yourself 1st hand in a week or so. The engineering crew is heading out west for final testing. Go see if you can find them........I believe they have a full 2 weeks scheduled for testing and tuning..........
Up by my cottage, I always see test mule new next year model yamahas running around on the trails. See they have a not so secret test facility near rhinelander/ minocqua. It is not much different than detroit for the big 3, where you will see test mules running around with vinyl to hide the new body's. These yamahas just don't have any stickers or anything other than styling cues to let you know what brand they are.

But these are always hauling butt, and never stop for anything but stop signs. they don't even stop for gas. They must refill at the test facility.
