srx weight

SRX_700 said:
May I ask how much it cost to loose 62 lbs? Just wondering if Jenny Craig for a year is cheaper.

Jenny Craig would definately be cheeper!! Although, at 6' 1", I don't know how healthy I would be at 100lbs after loosing 60+ lbs!!

In all seriousness, most of the light weight stuff was picked up cheep or made by a friend who is a welder/machinest and has access to titanium round stock ect.
sideshowBob said:
Jenny Craig would definately be cheeper!! Although, at 6' 1", I don't know how healthy I would be at 100lbs after loosing 60+ lbs!!

In all seriousness, most of the light weight stuff was picked up cheep or made by a friend who is a welder/machinest and has access to titanium round stock ect.

your friend care to make any more titanium shafts?
staggs65 said:
your friend care to make any more titanium shafts?

Ha Ha...I don't want to wear out my welcome! He is going to very busy making light weight parts for me if/when I pick up a four stroke!
Its going to be a huge task to get an Apex under 500lbs dry!
