Seafoam ?


Test Dummy
May 1, 2003
I've heard and been reading alot about seafoam and want to try it, but I have just some simple questions. When is the best time or how often to use it, and how much. Is it just added to the fuel? Would this stuff also be good for snowblowers, lawnmowers and other small engines too?Thanks, Soc
Add a full can to a 12 gal tank of gas. I used to use less, but am now convinced that 1 oz per gallon of gas is great. Anytime is good, but if the fuel system is suspected to be dirty it is better to clean it first. SeaFoam is great stuff and loosens gunk, but just remember that the lossened gunk will then go through the rest of the fuel circuits. I have seen a number of pilot circuits clogged by dislodged gunk.

It is a great fuel system maintainance agent.

I use it in all my 2 stroke engines (too many to even count).

I use it in 4-stroke engines too. The label has very good info on it. The outboard manufacturing company (I forget which one - maybe it was several) had this stuff made by the oil company to keep fuel systems clean. It is basically a petroleum distillate recipe.

I would like to hear Gary's (nosboy) discussion of the technical makeup of this product.
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I am one of those guys who pulls my carbs every year and I know they are clean, so this is a good time to add it then. How often? Thanks Soc
i think what he is saying is it also disolves gunk from your tank, fuel lines and pump is why some times it can get to the carbs.
you can get it at a yamaha dealer as ring free.

i too would like to hear more from nosboy on the subject but like alot of the very knowledgeable people on this site, he is probly tired of the fights that come from discusion and just doesnt post.
Thanks Ding and Betheviper. I am also hoping he will, I did read in an earlier post on TY, where he had briefly mentioned it. Soc
i too would like to hear more from nosboy on the subject but like alot of the very knowledgeable people on this site, he is probly tired of the fights that come from discusion and just doesnt post.

I would too...just as long as the information is correct.
I love Sea Foam. I run it in my truck all the time. When I had my old Ford, I ran a can through the brake booster, let it sit for five minutes. Then ran the piss out of it. Smoked like no other, but did that truck run better than ever. I run it in my sled every few tanks (about half a can). Carbs always look like new.
Think of a parts washer in an automotive shop. After a bunch of parts that were washed, the fluid turns BLACK.. The reason it has turned black is from the grease and grime (lets just call it DIRT) still suspended throughout the fluid... IT DOES NOT dye ordiscolor the mineral spirits,,, it just becomes "mixed" together.... Putting SEAFOAM in your fuel tank, if you have a sled that has been NEGLECTED for the past 10 years,,well,,, dissolving TEN YEARS of VARNISH left in the fuel tank and pumping it into your fuel lines and carbs,,, WILL PISS YOU OFF very badly!!! You will ABSOLUTELY HATE the efffects of SEA FOAM!!!! My FAMOUS LINE is starting to be " you need a chemistry lesson to completely understand this process''' but,,,, in LAYMANS TERMS,,, you'd have to understand the process of "cracking" and distilling to get the full effect... MINERAL SPIRITS (remember the word SPIRITS) have different,, lets call them "weights and densitys".. different spirits are used for DETERGENTS,,,MODIFIERS,,,,SCRUBBERS,,,,,SURFACTORS,,,,etc,,etc,,etc,,, As a PAINT THINNER thins paint,,,, mineral spirits THIN out VARNISHES and other types of "carb troubles) (DIRT)!!! They ALSO remove EMMOLIENTS that are helpful and useful in the PLYABILITY of your "rubber hoses and O rings!!! So you see,,, the use of ANY LIGHTER (and when I say lighter,,I mean spirits) DETERGENT will help your fuel system,,,but could ALSO HURT your end user (carburetor PILOT JETS) in the long run.... Yes,, if you have a NEW SLED ,,, SEAFOAM or ANY RING FREE ADDITIVE will help!!!!
:mrgreen: Thanks for the reply Nosboy. I would say I have'nt neglected my system, but I also have never added anything to the gas other than Stabuilt at the begining and ends of the season or if I miss a weekend. I do however remove the unused gas left over from each weeks riding and run it in my vehicles, I always use fresh gas and do replace the filter once a year. And so far have never had dirt issue in my carbs. Just wondering if I would benefit from using this product?
I use Seafom in my Jeep, but I don't use it in anything else.

I simply clean my carbs, change fuel filters, and add stabil at the end of a season.
Just like everything else, it is fine in moderation. You can use the recomended dosage for the first tank, but after that it is not needed. Don't forget though, it has a heavy alcohol content and if you are using a blended fuel like E-10, you should stay away from it. Look for a petrolium based fuel additve/cleaner like Amsoil's P.I. if you do.
I run it thru the first tank, and the last tank, It also acts as fuel stabalizer.
Carbs always clean when disassemled..
I use it in all my engines, Like Nosboy said. it is no substitute for poor condition fuel system, carbs/lines./tank..
I really don't think that there is ANY alcohols in it!!! It is basically LIGHTER spirits...
nosboy said:
I really don't think that there is ANY alcohols in it!!! It is basically LIGHTER spirits...

Gary I think we have had this converstion before. Yes it does have alcohol in it, the simplest test is the smell test. Take a wiff.

Also check out the MDS- IPA is Isopropol Alcohol

I'm not saying Seafoam is bad, it's not. It is a great product, I use it to de-varninish the oil systems in my older motorcycles I rebuild. But being I live in the wonderful state of NY the mandates the use of E-10 I no longer use it in my fuel. Too much alcohol in you fuel system washes the oil away from the critical parts of you motor, and being 2-strokes that oil wash is even more detremental.
I use Sea Foam in every engine I have, keeps them clean. I have used it in the crank oil as well as gas. I do agree that it is a preventative not a cure. Still no such thing as a mechanic in a can.
I wrote a BIG article on the FITCH fuel catalyst... Please look into the archives ( I still don't know HOW to do that,though!)
duheme said:
Gary I think we have had this converstion before. Yes it does have alcohol in it, the simplest test is the smell test. Take a wiff.
l. Too much alcohol in you fuel system washes the oil away from the critical parts of you motor, and being 2-strokes that oil wash is even more detremental.
I DO AGREE with the TOO MUCH alcohol part, but I DIDN't KNOW about the ALCOHOL... MY BAD,,,,sorry....
