Hello Guys I Think I Know The Answer But Ill Ask Anyway! Just Pulled The 02 Viper Out And She Wont Idle. Piolt Jets Clog I Guess Any Way To Cheat It! Dont Feel Like Pulling The Carbs! Is There Any Harm Running On Half Choke Just To Get It Hot And Circulate Some New Gas Through Her?
Thanks In Advance!
Thanks In Advance!
Triple X
New member
You could try Seafoam, but nothing beats a good old carb cleaning.
Thats What I Thought Never Hurts To Try!
Ya Im Going In The Basement To Pull Em Now Thanks!
New member
Have fun we all do it....
Active member
Seafoam is not even close to this product. It is all I use. I haven't had to clean my carbs since my Viper was 1 year old. I have turned a whole bunch of people at my work to this product and they cannot believe how well it works. One scenario I had about a year ago was an old Echo weed whip I own. I have had it 16 years and it was acting pretty tired. I looked into getting a carb kit for it or a new carb. I ended up mixing up a batch of a gas/neutro mixture and ran it through it. The key is the next time you run it after the stuff sits in the carb overnight. The next time I ran it I couldn't believe how well it ran again....almost like new. It even idled. The hardest part about this stuff is where to buy it. It is hard to find.
PS: I could go on and on on stories of friends that have had success stories on this stuff, but I don't feel like typing all day. Once you use it you will never use anything else.....period.
PS: I could go on and on on stories of friends that have had success stories on this stuff, but I don't feel like typing all day. Once you use it you will never use anything else.....period.
Thanks For All The Info Just An Update I Cleaned And Ran Her Around The Yard It Was Worth It Because The Piolts Were Totally Cloged And One Of The Air Box Boots Was Out Of Wack. So Any Way Thanks For The Help And Im Looking Into The Schaffer Product Sounds Good. I Have So Many Toys And Own A Landscape Company So Im Sick Of Cleaning Carbs!! Why Cant They Make The Gas That We Pay So Much For Last Longer Then 2 Months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Trails!
I always pull the carbs, no questions asked. It's always good to have a look around in there to make sure everything is as it should be. The part I hate the most though is those stupid carb heater hoses, take them off and antifreeze spills out if you don't get it plugged right away
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New member
Cleaning the carbs are not too bad, its getting the boots on and off the airbox when reinstalling that takes the longest. but i found a way to do it quick the second time.
Yamidude59 said:Cleaning the carbs are not too bad, its getting the boots on and off the airbox when reinstalling that takes the longest. but i found a way to do it quick the second time.
I usually split the airbox apart, it makes the proces so much easier....you can actually put the boots back and feel it with your finger to make sure is close.
New member
what works for me is removing the air box first then carbs,,when putting
back together carbs first then air box with some oil on the boot openings
to help slide it in(did i just say slide it in..lol)
back together carbs first then air box with some oil on the boot openings
to help slide it in(did i just say slide it in..lol)
New member
removing the air box on my buddies 99srx was a PITA, I'm glad they rerouted the throttle and choke cables.
I split the airbox too,then you can push the air box from the inside against the carbs as you tighten down the clamps.The whole carb cleaning process takes me about 20 minutes from start to finish.
New member
Did i mention that we did not attempt to remove the throttle and choke cables before removing the airbox??? yea, we dumbasses, and didn't realize we could of done that till we had it out..... learn from our mistakes. now we know.
New member
live and learn old wise one.....Yamidude59 said:Did i mention that we did not attempt to remove the throttle and choke cables before removing the airbox??? yea, we dumbasses, and didn't realize we could of done that till we had it out..... learn from our mistakes. now we know.

Yamidude59 said:Did i mention that we did not attempt to remove the throttle and choke cables before removing the airbox??? yea, we dumbasses, and didn't realize we could of done that till we had it out..... learn from our mistakes. now we know.
I don't pull either cables to get the airbox out of my '01. It's a bit tight and working it past the teet that holds the brake scoop is a bit tricky, but it's out in less than minute. Still not as easy as my XCR was but much easier than some Cats I've worked on.
New member
no short cut clean clean and then clean again
New member
Here is something you could try to help maintain your carbs and possibly avoid having to clean them each year. Amsoil P.I. performance improver https://www.amsoil.com/catalog.aspx?category=9.aspx?zo=1130379 I have several customers that buy and use this stuff. As a matter of fact it is probably my best selling product, only because it works so well. Some guys have reported it cleans carbs without tearing them apart? I am one for the good old fashioned take it apart and give it a good cleaning but some have claimed it works without that? I use it about 3 times a year in the gas tank and then at the end of the season for storage. Just a thought? Check it out, you might like it?
Active member
It's the real deal and I have no stake in this company. Do what you want, but this stuff WORKS!!!
It's the real deal and I have no stake in this company. Do what you want, but this stuff WORKS!!!