New member
No need to get upset with me here! I'm just offering another option. I have seen great results with Amsoil as well. I can also say that I have never tried schaeffer. Have you tried Amsoil?journeyman said:
It's the real deal and I have no stake in this company. Do what you want, but this stuff WORKS!!!
After checking out the MSDS on the Schaeffer, I noticed that it only has 2 ingredients. Butyl Alchohol and cresylic Acid. Those 2 components will clean anything, even the dried up crap from the bottom of a hog pen but, will it protect after the cleaning is done? will it coat the jets and inside of the carb to prevent future deposits from sticking to anything?
I was not trying to overstep your suggestion just add another option and I do have stake in this company.
Active member
sleddheadd said:No need to get upset with me here! I'm just offering another option. I have seen great results with Amsoil as well. I can also say that I have never tried schaeffer. Have you tried Amsoil?
After checking out the MSDS on the Schaeffer, I noticed that it only has 2 ingredients. Butyl Alchohol and cresylic Acid. Those 2 components will clean anything, even the dried up crap from the bottom of a hog pen but, will it protect after the cleaning is done? will it coat the jets and inside of the carb to prevent future deposits from sticking to anything?
I was not trying to overstep your suggestion just add another option and I do have stake in this company.
I wasn't aiming this at you...mostly at the original poster. I have posted this stuff before and no one seems to blink. It flat out works. Does the Amsoil?? I can't answer that one. I have never tried it. I do notice it's about twice the cost for a 12oz. bottle, but of course the mix ratio may be different. I have used Amsoil injector oil (Interceptor) and was not happy how dirty my PV's looked. I switched back to Yamalube considering it costs less and seems to work good based on some other sleds I saw recently apart. This was just my experience and I based my decision on cost vs. performance.
New member
jdp1under said:I Have So Many Toys And Own A Landscape Company So Im Sick Of Cleaning Carbs!! Why Cant They Make The Gas That We Pay So Much For Last Longer Then 2 Months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Trails!
They do sell gas that already has more detergent in it. Look here for the gas retailers list. Top Tier Gas
New member
The real question is "Do you want all that crap running thru the carb, reeds, cylinder, case, power valves, exaust,etc... when you use run thru cleaners?"
I take the time to clean them out of the sled. Just my 2 cents.

I take the time to clean them out of the sled. Just my 2 cents.

Man I Didnt Mean To Open Such A Can Of Worms!! Thanks For All The Info On The Products! If There Is One Thing We Can All Agree On Is The Fact That Guys On This Site Always Lend A Helping Hand No Matter How Big Or Small The Question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New member
snomofo said:Hmm...
I don't pull either cables to get the airbox out of my '01. It's a bit tight and working it past the teet that holds the brake scoop is a bit tricky, but it's out in less than minute. Still not as easy as my XCR was but much easier than some Cats I've worked on.
I was talking about my buddies 99srx, they rerouted the cables in 2000 i think, in 98-99 they had it going up and over the airbox, instead of the 00-02's going around it and down to the carbs.
I found it extremely easy to pull the airbox and carbs off my sled, when i first looked at it a while back, it looked like a PITA but the only part that took some time was getting the rubber boots back on the airbox. I have found a way to get em on easier next time tho.
Yamidude59 said:I was talking about my buddies 99srx, they rerouted the cables in 2000 i think, in 98-99 they had it going up and over the airbox, instead of the 00-02's going around it and down to the carbs.
I found it extremely easy to pull the airbox and carbs off my sled, when i first looked at it a while back, it looked like a PITA but the only part that took some time was getting the rubber boots back on the airbox. I have found a way to get em on easier next time tho.
Ah, I see. Yeah, my first look had me scratching my head but it was a pleasent surprise when I dug into it.
As for the boots, getting them started at the bottom (tilting the top of air box back) and watching the boots as I tip the box forward seems to work for me.
The last ZR I worked on was the worst. What a freekin' turd that was.
Test Dummy
Yamidude59 said:I found it extremely easy to pull the airbox and carbs off my sled, when i first looked at it a while back, it looked like a PITA but the only part that took some time was getting the rubber boots back on the airbox. I have found a way to get em on easier next time tho.
After reading your post above I have a question...You said you had a hard time getting the boots back on the airbox. Did you take the boots off the air box and leave them on the carbs when you removed them? If so it's alot easier to leave them on the airbox. I also have found that splitting airbox when replacing is the safest way to make shure that you have gotten the boots on correctly with no pinches or gaps in the boots. Easy way to burn up your motor due a lean cylinder. Soc
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Amsoil P.I. is awesome and I think is the best product. Sea Foam is also awesome. I use Sea Foam regularily b/c it is $6 a can while Amsoil P.i. is $10.50 at can. They both work well. Everytime go clean my carb they are clean. I am also very peculiar about only using nonoxygenated (i.e., no ethanol) gas in my 2 stroke Viper, which I believe helps a lot too.sleddheadd said:Here is something you could try to help maintain your carbs and possibly avoid having to clean them each year. Amsoil P.I. performance improver I have several customers that buy and use this stuff. As a matter of fact it is probably my best selling product, only because it works so well. Some guys have reported it cleans carbs without tearing them apart? I am one for the good old fashioned take it apart and give it a good cleaning but some have claimed it works without that? I use it about 3 times a year in the gas tank and then at the end of the season for storage. Just a thought? Check it out, you might like it?
Let me say first, ALL shaeffer products are awesome. If they had a dealer local it is all I would run. That being said my tried and true method is STA-BIL. I dont suggest leaving it in all winter, I just double the recommended dose for the first tank in the spring.
In the years I fixed motorsports for Acme Motorsports I used a boatload of sta-bil. If I knew I had a turd and had to clean the carbs I would run it with starting fluid if I had too and get a good amount of sta-bil in the carbs. That way the next day when I pulled it apart all the crud was turned to sludge I could just rinse out. I haven't had to scrub out a carb bowl in forever.
Would amsoil do just a good of a job? Maybe, but as I know sta-bil so well it is not likely I will try it.
In the years I fixed motorsports for Acme Motorsports I used a boatload of sta-bil. If I knew I had a turd and had to clean the carbs I would run it with starting fluid if I had too and get a good amount of sta-bil in the carbs. That way the next day when I pulled it apart all the crud was turned to sludge I could just rinse out. I haven't had to scrub out a carb bowl in forever.
Would amsoil do just a good of a job? Maybe, but as I know sta-bil so well it is not likely I will try it.
My carbs have not been taken apart for over 6,500 miles. Bowls were spotless. The fuel baffles lost their grip and 2 pilot jets were clogged.
That was it. I did not even summerize for the last 2 years. Maybe the ethanol is good???
That was it. I did not even summerize for the last 2 years. Maybe the ethanol is good???
Test Dummy
Simple maintenance prevents lots of money later. Do research here. Gas has become a very nasty substance since they started adding all that crap. However, lots of people get away with just using sta-built.
New member
yamalube combution chamber cleaner in the carb vent and open the drain crew and let it spray.
They make fuel that LASTS for YEARS.... It's about $8.00 a gallon.. It's called VP RACING FUEL !!!jdp1under said:Thanks For All The Info Just An Update I Cleaned And Ran Her Around The Yard It Was Worth It Because The Piolts Were Totally Cloged And One Of The Air Box Boots Was Out Of Wack. So Any Way Thanks For The Help And Im Looking Into The Schaffer Product Sounds Good. I Have So Many Toys And Own A Landscape Company So Im Sick Of Cleaning Carbs!! Why Cant They Make The Gas That We Pay So Much For Last Longer Then 2 Months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Trails!
ETHANOL is a VERY GOOD cleaner.... HORSESHIT when it comes to MOISTURE.. but.. a REALLY GOOD CLEANER..... Look at the MSDS and SEE WHAT that schaffer stuff is made of..... You'll be SURPRIZED !!!SRX_700 said:My carbs have not been taken apart for over 6,500 miles. Bowls were spotless. The fuel baffles lost their grip and 2 pilot jets were clogged.
That was it. I did not even summerize for the last 2 years. Maybe the ethanol is good???
Millinocket Rocket
New member
I cleaned 3 sets of Yammy triple carbs before this season started, and all 3 sets had little fuzzy E10 jellyfish in the bowls. 2 sets of the carbs had plugged pilots and wouldn't idle right. You guys think those products can dissolve these frog eggs? Journeyman, how are you mixing that Neutra? With a full tank at the end of the season?
New member
i love that millinocket rocket... i have 3 srx's you must clean carbs every fall ,, unless your running a fuel with no ethanol in it... you cant even findfuel around maine under 10% ethanol .. my local salvage yard told me he never sold any yamaha motors until ethanol came here... anybody have any comment on draining fuel and dumping 2 gals of vp race fuel in and running it only to store for the summer??? no ethanol
I could write a book on this subject too... I've posted a post a long time ago about sucking transmission fluid through your fuel system and people thought I was INSANE.. Needless to say,, it works FINE.. A REAL BEAR to restart up in the falltime and SMOKES UP the neighborhood,, but,, your carbs and combustion chambers will be HAPPY that you did!!!newyamaha2me said:i love that millinocket rocket... i have 3 srx's you must clean carbs every fall ,, unless your running a fuel with no ethanol in it... you cant even findfuel around maine under 10% ethanol .. my local salvage yard told me he never sold any yamaha motors until ethanol came here... anybody have any comment on draining fuel and dumping 2 gals of vp race fuel in and running it only to store for the summer??? no ethanol
Try searching for "fogging 3 cylinders at once " post in the search and look for my posts about using automatic transmission fluid in your fuel system and the benefits !!! ( also the problems) !!! It's some good reading ...
Try ATF once and you'll be hooked!!Triple X said:You could try Seafoam, but nothing beats a good old carb cleaning.