This ever happen to u guys b4???


New member
Oct 18, 2004
Da UP Eh
umm yea, i know im a big guy but seriously??? WTF??


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me and my buddy had to replace one out on the lake one day, figured it would be easier than towing it out, 25 mile of bush trail big hills and no brakes. his was an srx

Bindare broke that twice.98 years...i have heard the old axles were softer than newer years.

I used to jump mine alot and would land flat sometimes.Sucks
I have never seen that on any brand of sled......

Yamaha must have had some bad shafts for a year or so. You would need an ungodly amount of power to break that, more power than any sled can make, and even then I bet the chain or something else would go first.
I thought I read somewhere that big chunks of ice that develop under the tunnel can get jammed in between the heat exchanger and front of the track to cause this. Still it would have to be a very soft/brittle axle for that to happen.
horkn said:
I have never seen that on any brand of sled......

Yamaha must have had some bad shafts for a year or so. You would need an ungodly amount of power to break that, more power than any sled can make, and even then I bet the chain or something else would go first.

Ask all the XP owners about driveshafts.

This has been known to happen Yamaha's on occasion, even on some of the thumpers. No confirmed 'cause' except for a couple theories that I never paid any attention to.
I think the one I broke was from jumping it, Accidently came over a large hill, Launched far enough up that I had time to look around and say oh s@#&
smacked down flat... soon after is when I found the axle was in 2 pieces..
I snapped mine in my 98 also a couple years ago. Riding hard all day, acting the fool. Come around to a nice open stretch pinned it...little crunchy noise underneath my feet and coasted to a stop. Weird thing was when you lifted the *** end, the track would still spin from one side of the drivers. Put the track on the ground and only got a little grinding noise. Thought it had to be the chain. Towed out. Found out later snapped in two just like yours.

OH MY GOD!!! not the shaft but your better half in your avatar...i wanna see more of her..j/p man dont want to sound outa line...that sux..but now would be a good time to get extroverts
Mine snapped last year, 2000 MM. I was lucky enough though that it broke inside the driver so I could limp it back to my truck (had about 5200 miles on it at the time). I've read that on 97-2000 sleds, the OEM axle was weak and they fixed the problem on 2001 and later models.
