maine is the only place to ride. shhh dont tell anyone the trails are great shhhhsshh
blue magnaman
New member
yup....best in the world.........shhhhhh
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Best Trails??????
I hope so! I am here in Maine now, All we need is snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will tell you first hand how the trails compare to the UP of Michigan! Snow! Snow! Snow!
I hope so! I am here in Maine now, All we need is snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will tell you first hand how the trails compare to the UP of Michigan! Snow! Snow! Snow!
dude you live in brunswick, thats not maine, thats liberal land. give me a call if your coming up to ride might go with.
there is a radar run dec 5th on caribou lake if you are interested
there is a radar run dec 5th on caribou lake if you are interested
New member
Bethviper, "Dude" I am in the military and will only be here one season! I am from northern New York, 1 hour north of lake Placid and just want to see ridable snow since I spent my last 4 years traveling to UP of Michigan from Great Lakes ( no snow,) Last year I drove 2100 miles and put 2200 miles on my sled! I hope that I will only have to go a couple hours north to ride most of winter here. My sled are in storage north of Turner( close to ITS 87and 89). I didn't think that brunswick would get much snow but its close to the base for commuting to and from. We have a trip to rangeley area for second week of January and then am looking for advice for the next trip, where do you recommend? Thanks
New member
Moosehead lake region is nice. The Forks, Katahdin Iron works. Millinocket and of course, "The County"!!!!! You will love the trails and the scenery in Maine. Absolutley gorgeous!!
go up the interstate and dont start sledding till millinoket. this is where the good riding begins.
houlton north is the start of the rail beds and big fields. milinoket, island falls and due north from there are wood roads and lakes. for a great ride stay in milinoket or houlton and ride north up one side for a day, stay in madawaska or saint agatha then ride down the other side. the best thing about up here is less people on the trails. the trails are very well maintained and well signed. if you stay in mad town you can taxi accross the border for strippers. did i say that out loud???? now that we are on that subject there is a strip joint in milinoket too. lacassa de fiesta
houlton north is the start of the rail beds and big fields. milinoket, island falls and due north from there are wood roads and lakes. for a great ride stay in milinoket or houlton and ride north up one side for a day, stay in madawaska or saint agatha then ride down the other side. the best thing about up here is less people on the trails. the trails are very well maintained and well signed. if you stay in mad town you can taxi accross the border for strippers. did i say that out loud???? now that we are on that subject there is a strip joint in milinoket too. lacassa de fiesta
New member
I disagree with you Betheviper. Rangely and Jackman are great areas just to name a few. I have been to every area in Maine practicaly and the County is awesome no doubt, but you do not have to go all the way to Millinocket for the "good" riding to start.
i am biased, and want someone to come up and ride with me
New member
I know.....I can't wait to get up there again.
New member
Baxter is nice and fast also!!!! 

New member
Ride Maine
All, Thanks I am here and ready to ride!!!!! I plan on trying to ride antwhere the snow will lead me!!!!!! TY ride in Maine?? Date's and location! I always seemed to be one week off with the TY riders in the UP of Michigan! and want to rider with other Yammer lovers, I can only take waiting on those other brand riders so long!
All, Thanks I am here and ready to ride!!!!! I plan on trying to ride antwhere the snow will lead me!!!!!! TY ride in Maine?? Date's and location! I always seemed to be one week off with the TY riders in the UP of Michigan! and want to rider with other Yammer lovers, I can only take waiting on those other brand riders so long!
first two ty rides in maine were a bust. I gave up, lot of planning for no one to show up. would love to see someone else get one together. ill go if they do.
New member
bluebullet, i live in wales not far at all from brunswick. 2 years ago the best riding in the state was wales, lewiston, sabatus, turner, buckfield areas. We have prob 10 track trucks between these clubs which means trails are groomed wide, flat and often. For the last two years we have got a ride in by x-mas in the upper rangeley areas (parmachenee). After x-mas dont go to rangeley unless you are with someone who knows the back trails very well because the traffic is terrible and the trails get really beat by early afternoon.
New member
Craig, Sounds great! My sleds are in storage just off highway #4 north of Auburn. I am right by a local trail that connects to ITS 87 and 89 I think, Atleast thats what they told me. Get ahold of me when the white stuff flies and maybee we can get together for a ride! Me and the wife went to grass drags here off of route 125 and watched for about an hour. I can see that the boys here ride mostly Cats but there was a couple of Yammers out there putting on a good show Keith and Dan ( Woodys Performance) on RX1 and a Viper did relly well against all who came in true Yammaha Tradition. Dans Heavy mod Viper spanked all those F7's. ZR 900 and even a big Thundercat! I thought about grabing my SRX for some fun, But didn't really want to get it dirty! Its ready for snow and so am I !!!!!!!!!! Thanks, Terry
New member
We were running them a few weekends ago with keith and dan in sabattus. Dans viper is really fast. I couldnt come close to him. Last weekend we ran them again and keith went to bowdoiham i believe. Is that where you saw him? I know what you mean about getting them dirty. I had my tunnel all polished and the sled was spotless. The first weekend we ran them it didnt get to dirty. But last weekend we started running the drainage ditch in the field and by the end of it the ditch was pretty soupy. My sled was covered, but got it all cleaned up again and ready to go this weekend one more time. It is addicting as hell, i said i would never do it and now i cant stop. I will post for you when we start riding the white stuff.
New member
live in milo lol. good old town of milo. But Moosehead, greenville, schodic lake, baxter, rangley, and Katadin Ironworks (KI) are all great places. never snowmobiled outside of maine besides canada. so ic ant compare it to anywhere else.
New member
if anyone around here wants to ride just ask. oh yea and we need SNOW!!!! SNOW AND MorE SNOW!!!
New member
Maine, Maine and more Maine! I will ride with fellow yammies. I already have a post in the TY rides forum. I ride North Centeral Maine right from the house but like overnighters also. That is if we get any snow this year!!!! Last year sucked.
I see someone's from Milo! I'm from Schoodic. Greatest riding in Maine.
I see someone's from Milo! I'm from Schoodic. Greatest riding in Maine.