
schoodic is good. ya last year did suck but i had my new sled so that kinda distracted me a little. Going to fishing derby out there this year? maybe we can meet up. Whats your name somone here might know ya
Name is Bob Walton. I live on Schoodic. Just below Deadman's Rock. Naw, I usually don't do the Derby. Too crowded. I fish during the week as I'm retired, when I'm not riding. Mostly ride by myself or with Garvin Graves, the Philbrooks or once in awhile Louie Brown and his son's.
ya i havent been to kokojo in a couple years. im only 15 but i can go if you want maybe i can get my dad to go along he works a lot though so we will see what we can do.

See personally i think some of the best riding in the county is in these areas( washburn, mapleton, portage, The Big Woods, ashland, Squa Pan Lake, these are the trails my buddies and i ride and they are always great and with low traffic.....BTW I live in PI
My visit

I got up to "The County" last Feb.. Plan was to ride north from Presque Isle, place we were at was 3 blocks from the trail. Not enough snow so we took off from the rental place which was north of Caribou, Ray's or something I think was the name of the shop. Anyway, I had a Vector lined up, the other 3 where Pol's. I was riding with a couple of rookies and another that hadn't ridden anything since our '72 338's when we were kids.

The area was very senic and a lot more variety than MI trails, UP or LP. We rode to St. Agatha, Van Buren and back down through Stockholm. We had a local couple that led the way, which was great, until he took a buried railroad marker with a ski and had to side saddle the last 30 miles.

I didn't care for the signing, somewhat confusing, never thought I could get separated from a group on basically a railroad grade, ha.

Powerlines we ran were fairly rough, but wouldn't have been bad on a decent sled, the Vector I was on must have been tired cause the suspension couldn'[t keep up with the big rollers, bottomed constantly even on the stiff setting. The Pol's were worse and I had to trade with the ladies or not hear the end of the complaining.

I would love to get out for another ride and play in some more off trail areas, not much powder, fields of play were crusted over for the most part which isn't good for carving and such, not that we had the machines for it, but still.

In fact I would contemplate going to Maine instead of West since I enjoy trial riding.

Not sure what the name was of the restaurant on the lake that we stopped at for a burger, but it sure was snowmobiler friendly and was one of a few I would frequent out there if a local!

As for ME vs. MI, they both have their plus and minuses, I didn't think traffic in popular areas was that different compared to the UP but better than Grayling/Gaylord areas.

Definitely worth the ride. Wish I had more pictures but we wasted those down in Bar Harbor.


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Sounds like the place you ate was on Long Lake. The very instant you described it, i thought of the place i went when we rode up to Ft. Kent. I forget the name of the joint, but it was right off the lake, up a little hill. The food was awesome and they even had Slednecks on the big screen!

HAHA, BETHEVIPER, i dont really have a shop its somthing that i would like to start, but im 1 mile north or the blinking light in easton, and
As for the rest or ya, looking at the pictures, you were at the great LakeView resturaunt, very very good food, im prolly 45-60 mins on sled from there. that is where our grass drags take place in the overlooks Long Lake, and there is another place called The Sporting Club, its right on the lake and well, i tihnk farly expensive....ill keep the outta staters up-dated on the snow situation, as of with now? ha i dont even want to say,nothing is what we have
ive known the irish guys a long time, used to race a little with them and sometimes stop in to use some tools on a ride.

i was in once since matt f took it over, muchhhhhh cleaner.

maybe i have seen you there before at at the lake, i would have had a black srx or a black viper.

lake view resturant is the place, great food and dick always seem to descriminate on the waitresses if you know what i mean.

the sporting club is a rip off, dont eat there.

used to live in easton, for a year, at windmere apt. paul cyr owns them, the blue ones headed tward mars hill.
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Yeha i have a few friends that live in the windameres, black viper huh? there was on up there, sitting besides eric michaels blue viper. Yeah im really good friends with Matt F and Matt R, my brother went to school with Matt R. They are helping me set up my sled for the bender pipe, yeha the place looks ten times better than before, its staying busy for them too, at the grass drags i had the SXR with the yellow skid, that got 3rd in 700 stock, i was in the finals with 3 F7s
Its been a while sense anyone has posted in this thread but the trails around fry mtn and belfast area where great this season.
Yes, I was suprized to see this thread back active. Trails have been good many places this year. I have a couple more rides planned to millinocket and forks are next two weekends to finish up this season. more fresh snow today! I love spring riding !
I have a camp in Ludlow it is about 8 miles west of Houlton been riding in the county for years best riding you will ever get. I am about 2 miles down ludlow road on the right. Stop in on the weekends and i will show you some untouched powder on the logging roads or ride the groomed trailgoes right through my property. Come on up and ride the best riding in years. Alvipers
Bluebullett i was riding up on the rail beds last weekend did 350 miles up to Madawaska and back abbsolutly the best spring riding in years. Trails were closed last year at this time.
