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replaced stator, sled starts sometimes! here is what I learned, I bought one of theoes testers that hook to our plug wires that "lights up" when you pull the starter, well it lights up, my gauges light up when pulling the recoil too but as far as "spark" to the plugs its either not there, very faint, or ever once in a while it gets bright & it starts! checking the coils and they read 0.0 on a multi meter. new gas, new plugs, 118 compression across the board, put fuEL in the cly's too, nothing. SO CAN THE STATOR BE GOOD AND THE COILS JUST NOT DOING THERE JOB? SOME JUICE IS MAKING IT THROUGH WITH THE "SPARK TESTER" BUT IT COULD JUST LIGHT UP WITH A MINIMAL AMOUNT OF JUICE. THANKS