2010 Yamaha!!

SO Feb 10th huh?

Right before cruiserfest :)

Last time this happened, Yamaha brought the brand spankin new apex to Cruiserfest for the next year before anyone even saw it. I think it was not even technically released when the apex was brought to cruiserfest.
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Don't hate me but I HATE the Johnny Sceptical videos. This is supposed to be a snowmobile commercial, not a soap opera that goes just before or just after opera. The focus is taken OFF the sleds and is on the girl(s). Using attractive females to get what one wants is the OLDEST TRICK in the book. I remember the 99 and 01 videos, what did they have there? Clips of snow cross, clips of the features and stuff like that. Explaining why this was a better sled, and what prizes it had got. There were NO bunnies, just sleds.
I'm a little concerned with Yamaha settling with being #1 in reliability and fuel economy. I'd like them to push back into the lightweight performance and handeling market.
norwegian said:
Don't hate me but I HATE the Johnny Sceptical videos. This is supposed to be a snowmobile commercial, not a soap opera that goes just before or just after opera. The focus is taken OFF the sleds and is on the girl(s). Using attractive females to get what one wants is the OLDEST TRICK in the book. I remember the 99 and 01 videos, what did they have there? Clips of snow cross, clips of the features and stuff like that. Explaining why this was a better sled, and what prizes it had got. There were NO bunnies, just sleds.
Its just good fun advertising!
I know most of my non yamaha friends have seen the videos, and thats kinda what they are after.
The videos Ive watched all talked about the features and benefits of the new Yamaha sleds.
I get this feel that it's 90% about the family story and 10% about new handwarmers.
I personally don't think bunny is good looking. I want to see the sleds anyway, or at least hear about them.

I don't need a different woman, mine is great, but another sled......:D
too late i hate you(lol) just kidding i think the vids are cool and show alot of the sleds features this makes the vid fun. i have to say i look foward to the new edition of the skepticals.
Hey look it's the 2010 yamaha watercraft ad!!
Now this is a selling point! I'll buy one for sure now!!
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Assparade Watersports!
That little girl in the circle photo is having one hellava wardrobe malfunction.
A little more than a malfunction there.Kinda makes you wander what they are selling in that pic!!!!! norwegian..only you would find that pic and post it.Does the girl come with the unit or what???? I dare you guys to show that pic to your wife/girlfriend and say "I want one of those" LOL.....adrian!!!!
