Hei Henriette. It's just plain Yamaha advertising. Bunny got too boring so they stepped up a notch to sell more products! Again, the focus is off the ACTUAL product.

and you as well as me are lovin it..adrian!!!! LOL
New member
stopped into local dealer today and they weren't giving out any info. I asked about a 154 hp nitro and they laughed and asked why that would be good. I laughed and said MORE POWER you can never have enough. I told the owner if they came out with it I'd be in to buy one. 

New member
does anyone know what time on 2/10?
New member
11AM Central
Surely there has to be more rumors out there with only 1 week to go...200HP Nitro. a new SRX, like last years rumor..
New member
2datrl said:Surely there has to be more rumors out there with only 1 week to go...200HP Nitro. a new SRX, like last years rumor..
100 hp tweener to fit somewhere between the phazer and the nytro.
That seems like a no brainer, but the big question is what do they do to the apex? maybe a 3 cylinder with 170 hp or so? or do they keep the I4, and move to the new crossplane crank r1 mill?
I love this time of year

New member
i'm guessing different motors in apex and in the vector. thats it.
I'm guessing new girls for marketing purposes. That's it!
New member
norwegian said:I'm guessing new girls for marketing purposes. That's it!
I agree, but they wouldn't need any girls if they made exactly what the consumers want.

Granted, most consumers don't even know what they need, so bring on the new marketing girls. LOL
I can tell you if there were a new crazy motor/ new sled that yami made, and they had new marketing girls as well, I still would be looking at the motor. My GF loves that about me

Heck I'm single and I would still be looking at the motor, cause the motor is what you get home, not the girls!
If I want to look at beautiful women I'll just walk down any street.
If I want to look at beautiful women I'll just walk down any street.
norwegian said:Hey look it's the 2010 yamaha watercraft ad!!
Now this is a selling point! I'll buy one for sure now!!
Seems like it's been deleted. It was maybe a little on the edge. I can send you the pic on email if you want it.