Looking to take a fast weekend trip before the big game.
Are there any TYers living in the Portage or Westfield Wi. areas that can comment on the trail conditions?
I can not find anything on Snowtracks.com etc.
Are there any TYers living in the Portage or Westfield Wi. areas that can comment on the trail conditions?
I can not find anything on Snowtracks.com etc.
There is a guy on the JohnDee board "Area Condtitions" that reports on Adams county. Check there.
Westfield has snow, but they haven't gotten any new lately. Last time I was there, a few weeks ago, I was having trouble overheating as the snow was too packed down to cool my Viper. I actually have my sleds and trailer stashed up there, but I'm not going to ride until they get some new snow.
Westfield has snow, but they haven't gotten any new lately. Last time I was there, a few weeks ago, I was having trouble overheating as the snow was too packed down to cool my Viper. I actually have my sleds and trailer stashed up there, but I'm not going to ride until they get some new snow.
Thanks...Not what I wanted to hear, but I did ask the question.
New member
I have a cabin in Lyndon - right outside the Dells - rode last weekend around New Lisbon / Castle Rock trails were great - groomers have been out - some of the corners in the woods were getting icy - but still a great ride - lots of cops checking sledders in Adams County I am told. Hope it helps!
New member
You would be better off heading N to Merrill or so.
Trails are great up that way and north.
Trails are great up that way and north.