Busted steering post, what to do?

I have fixed these lots with no problems there after. Find a pipe that fits in the excisting steering post, I have machined them to fit, but I believe a 3/4" Sch40 also fits (you might have to put a small grove down the length so it will accomidate the weld inside the post. Make sure the pipe is long enough to go well past the plastic support block. Machine or drill out the center of the plate so that the pipe portrudes through. Center the block on the post with the skis straight, Butt weld it to the new post or mark it and weld it on the bench. Then I put loctite on the post and slide it into the old post then weld the new pipe to the old pipe.
I have added up to 4" with gussets to the top plate with no problems with breaking ever again. Also have done lots at 2" so you can eliminate spacer blocks.
Hope this helps
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