slider melt down!!!

Collingwood RTX

New member
Jan 4, 2009
Collingwood ON.
Has anyone got a solution for the yamaha issues on hard packed trails. Not enough snow being chewed up by the studs causing sliders to melt. I heard various people talk about the ice scratchers, as well as using Polaris idler wheels to give the track more clearance off the sliders.

06 Apex RTX :o|
Collingwood RTX said:
I heard various people talk about the ice scratchers, as well as using Polaris idler wheels to give the track more clearance off the sliders.

06 Apex RTX :o|

Yep. You can also use a marginal snow kit and a hyfax saver kit both available from vendors that support this website
I did the marginal snow kit and polaris wheels. Haven't changed slides in three years. They wear to about 3/4 of the way (a little more in spots) and then stop.
I ran into this on my nytro, because they have the trails packed so tight up by our cabin. Had to go to the wheel kit on mine. Went through two sets of slides this year already. :whine:

You've asked and recieved good answers.You didn't mention where your slides were wearing most. If there up front along the curve by the front wheel, which most do wear here,there's a good thread in the tech section on how to move that wheel,it works fine,I did it to mine ,excellant! Also I went to graphite sliders and they work really well!Good luck.....
I drill out my sliders with a 3/8 bit, every 2-3 inches.....SO, when in lots of snow, holes get jammed with snow, and when you hit road or marginal snowe, heat causes snow to melt inside the holes and wets the sliders...then, when back in snow, they jam packed again
got ice scratchers on my 600 and works great.Also have snow deflecters on my Simmon's ski's that I ordered with the ski's.I went and modified them so they willcut deeper down.Just shoots a spray towards the track.
Collingwood RTX said:
Has anyone got a solution for the yamaha issues on hard packed trails. Not enough snow being chewed up by the studs causing sliders to melt. I heard various people talk about the ice scratchers, as well as using Polaris idler wheels to give the track more clearance off the sliders.

06 Apex RTX :o|
Don't all hi-fax wear on any model? I thought that was the purpose of them, to wear out, especially in poor, hardpack riding conditions. I have friends with cats and doo's and they have to change thier sliders also. I do not believe this is strictly a yamaha issue.
Small wheel kit at the cruve and drill holes into your slides.
I drilled mine like chilli said also with a five dot dice pattern about an inch apart. Two holes, one hole, two holes etc... Works good.
WeSled2 said:
Don't all hi-fax wear on any model? I thought that was the purpose of them, to wear out, especially in poor, hardpack riding conditions. I have friends with cats and doo's and they have to change thier sliders also. I do not believe this is strictly a yamaha issue.

Before swapping skids in my SRX, I had over 3000 miles on the original hyfax with plenty left and no marginal snow wheel kit. Never had issues with my Polaris either.

Track tension is real loose and I hit the snow bank often on plowed roads.

I like the idea of drilling but never had a need to.
drilling has 2 benefits

obviously having the snow on stand-by ready to melt, but ALSO takes the guesswork out of checking how much slider material you have left...can use a pick or something to feel how mych is left
chilli so you drill them all the way through? I read the article in the tech section but I was wondering if you drill the center one all the way through so you can see?
The larger wheels either from Polaris or after-market is the real answer.

I know the skids on either the '06 or '07 Apex RTX's will wear the slider/hyfax down rapidly and fairly evenly all the way down the length of the skid. Last weekend I drove 7 miles on brand new sliders before stopping and my bro could smell burning plastic from within a mile of leaving home. Trails did have enough powder to lubricate and no, my track is NOT too tight. I run on the loose side of spec.

I have about 4200 miles on my '06 Apex. It is true that the hyfax will wear close to the wear line and stop. That is because it is only at that point that the wheels bare enough weight on them to reduce the weight on the hyfax which results in minimal wear from that point on. Some may say well what's wrong with that if they stop wearing at that point ? Well if you happen to get a pebble or a bur on one of your track clips ( from excessive wear they will start to wear through), you will end up wearing a groove right through the remaining 1/8" of remaining hyfax/slidder and wear right into your rail. Further evidence is excessive wear on the track clips. New hyfax put a tremendous amount of weight on the track clips resulting in a huge amount of friction and heat. I have had to replace several track clips to date. Typically the track clips should far outlast the track itself.

This has been a contencious issue with several riders and to me anything other than larger diameter wheels is just a band-aid fix with mediocre results.
