SRV 540 ?????


New member
Nov 9, 2003
Inuvik, NWT- Knouff Lake BC
:? Just acquired a Yamaha SRV 540 that needs a drive clutch. I know nothing about this snowmobile other than that (oh yea it has sat for awhile, and the price was right). Does anyone know what clutch it will use, I don't know the year as of yet. Are the clutches interchangeable? I won't be home for a while, so a buddy will be helping me out with this snowmobile. He is a mechanic but not a snowmobile mechanic. Any knowledge, help, suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks Cam
Get the part number for the clutch, then try to get it used or from Rich Motorsports. That's an old style clutch, a couple generations ago. For the cost, you might go with a Comet 102C, but I personally don't like them much, harder to work on that a Yami. Good luck!
the easiest thing you can do is look in a aftermarket catalog-dennis kirk,shade tree, etc....or at your local dealership for a comet 108c or the old 102c clutch . buy one for your app. and you will have to purchase the correct spring/cam arms for it also.Buy far the easiest but costs $$$.
You could maybe find a clutch off from a 84-91 phazer, the YPZ clutch from a salvage yard and rebuild it. The SRV's had this clutch in them from 85-90- so just put the spring/weights from those years to calibrate it. That may save you some money?? someone from this sight may even have a spare collecting dust somewhere???WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT YEAR THE SRV IS TO START WITH- get the vin # right side of tunnel next to where your foot sets, OR try to describe color / graphics/ tunnel painted black or nat. aluminium...etc.
:? I have come across 3 used clutches- right price. on the inside there is an identifier S-1 82M00 one these came of a Bravo not sure of origin of the others. Saw on some other Bravo's S-2 82M00 and S-3 82M00. I do not see any other # other than patent #. Are these a possible replacement clutch? This is difficult as I am in the North West Territories and the SRV is in southern BC. I am still waiting on the VIN #. Thanks and appreciate the replys, better than expected. Cam
I think the 8U7 part of the serial # means it's a 1983.
If thats the case it came from the factory with a comet 102c primary clutch - same as with the Vmax 540.
Yup, the 7,897th SR540G made for the 1983 model year to be exact. I would suggest the Comet 108-EXP. I would check with Rich, but if he can't help you then any of the mail order houses usually handle the Comet 102-C, 108-C, and the 108-EXP, and will package one up with the weights already installed.

Note: Be sure to check to see if you need the clutch with an oil pump drive gear on the back of the fixed sheave. Some are seperate and some are fixed to the clutch.

In any case I believe that you will need the following for the 108-EXP . . .

1 Comet part # 217506A (108-EXP with 30mm 1:10 taper/-.140"
3 Comet part # ??????? A-1 (cam arms - qty 3)
1 Comet part # 207877 (Red spring) or 209677 (Red/Silver spring)

Again be sure to check on the pump drive gear requirements.
:?: Ding, how do you get 7,897th made from the numbers given? just curious for further reference. Thanks for the comet #'s. I am hoping to find a used one to save what little hard earned cash I have left. I am still not sure on the identification of clutchs with the numbers I posted earlier. Any knowledge would be appreciated. Hoping to get to ride this asap when I get home.
Thanks Cam.
