it will change your compression and it adds just enough back with 2 layers to make it safe with pipes. 1 layer is more risky if you get some really bad gas and 2 would be safer as would the stock gasket.
Any real performance differences if you use 1 versus 2 layers with a syock pipe and bored can?

it would be real hard to tell by the seat of the pants but if you do use 2 layers make sure its the outer 2.

Tom is that a green pink green prim. spring or gold pink gold
Tom is that a green pink green prim. spring or gold pink gold


which 2.4 gram rivet... with or without the hole,need to know going to get parts tommorow,and want to let er rip acrossed the back yard...

2.4 g is 2.4g but just for the record I use the ones without hole...who knows maybe a price difference..lol

oh kay tanks buddy lol

tom one more thing larry (ncy)spoke of shims not sure which ones that he meant but he said i should replace them if the track is picked... spring shims or button shims

he means engagement shim...if picked use the shims...keeping the RPMS down I bet to prevent track spin on non-studded sled...you remember his exact words??

no not really just mention i should put thease shims in if studded... 3.00$ each also where do thease go behind the primary spring?

yes, under the primary spring...
Can you notch a Viper with 3 pipes?

the SRX and Viper motors do not have the upper port blocked like the twins and the sx style triples, so the notch wont help any.

ok thanks tom, is there 2 of them if so i will pick them up as well

tom should i put in the bushings in for the primary my track is studded. thanks

If your going to run NCY's clutch spec then yes, add the engagement washers