hey does any body on here know about the 2000 km cross country race here in labrador??? start date is mar 14 big bling bling 62000$$$$ and a gps!!! nip nip barrrrrrr!!!!!
just read about it in supertrax mag....that's a hardcore race! they run in pairs and can choose any route they choose between the checkpoints. sounds like a very grueling race that requires alot of determination and will power. good luck to all the racers as they will need it! not only would it take a toll on the machines, but physically...man.....unreal.
The winners from last year, that were driving the yammi's, are sponsored by arctic cat this year!! HCR 800'S but i guess it could be worst they could be drivin bombardier's!!!
WHAT!! What a pair of idiots.Now there are sure to lose.Keep track of them ,want to find out where they end up at the end.The Cats are sure to break then.Last years race,them Yamaha's going thru that tough course of some 2300 km's,only had to replace 1 shock total.Like to see what AC has to do.The doos were breaking down totally .Serves them guys right if they end up last now...
Watch out for:
TEAM #9...Andrews/Grouchy on Nytro and Nytro 1050
TEAM#11........Clarke/Matias on Nytro and Nytro 1050
TEAM#20...Chatman/Watkins on Nytro 1050 and Apex Mtn. 1000
I will be watching the results of this race thru the website.
yeah Andrews and Grouchy did pretty good last year they are great with the country around here!!! They know their way through the Labrador wilderness and around our water ways and mountains !!! should be a great race!!! GO YAMAHA!!!
if the worst is yet to come,anything could happen.I just hope Team #9 is patient and takes the course in strike,I have faith in the Yamies.Why did teams 20 scratch..do you know? They were a Nytro and Apex I think.
Yamaha and all other brands should be watching this race,this is a true test how the new sleds perform in a brutal all terrrain endurance race.A lot could be learned here.I know Yamaha commits to stronger components that will last the test,with resistance to lighter parts that may snap.