Has anyone successfully done this swap?Put a windshield designed for the SRX chassis onto an SX chassis sled?I'm looking at changing the Cobra on my 98 SRX but the one I want,another Cobra, is only available for the twin bulb SRX chassis.Is it a matter of trimming a little bit here and there or is the dual light windshield wider or what?
New member
i done the swap from a single bulb to a dual bulb twice. you have to cut the front of the windshield off a couple inches and drill new holes for the screws and the front 2 tabs that goes in the pod will not line up the same so you have to cut a little out of the pod. mine looks like it came from the factory. but putting a dual bulb windshield might be alot harder im not sure. just put the 2 different windshields together then clamp then there and use a marker then cut.
I put a med. sized windshield on my 99 a couple years ago and when I ordered it it wasn't the right one, don't know if it was for a SX or a duel bulb SRX, but I was out i n the country, figured I could trim it and it came out pretty good. I used the old windshield as a template, lined up the two screwholes infront and traced out the bottom contour with felt marker. I then took a drywall router( a dremmel will work) with a 1/8 bit and routered it out. I remember having to fine tune it a bit but it worked out good. Good luck