take a look...

bluemonster1 said:
Hey TJ..you done with breakfast..now you can go on to lunch!!!!You not riding today.I have had the SRX out already for 26 miles.

blue.... sleds are away for the season... patiently awaiting drier conditions for quadding season... I'm still too sick to eat lunch.... tj
Only thing I see thats strange esp. for a girl is the length of her damn fingers. There freaking twice the length of mine!!!!!!! That and the style of glasses are pretty ridiculous too.
You know how to check if a girl was a guy before?
With all the operations they have now a days it is VERY hard to tell.
Look at their hands!
A guys ring finger is longer than his index finger and a womans ring finger is shorter than her ring finger.
Go and check your wifes fingers!
If her ring finger is longer start asking some questions!
my ring finger is shorter then my index finger..oh oh. lol.Just kidding.My wife's ring finger is same as her index.That means that she was almost a man,but was a woman in reality.She has bumps and curves I don't have,so she must be a woman.
Where did all this come from...mulderdad.Do you check peoples fingers when you got nothing to do or what?? Any other theories or what? If someone would just lift that girl's (in the pic above)dress up..maybe we could see what she/he is made of.LOL
Its funny you said that. LOL
Problem with lifting the dress thing is that surgeons are sooo skilled you can't tell by looking at it! Other give away is the adams apple, but it can be shaved down.
Stubble on the face can be cleaned up with electrolysis and make-up.

Now when you are out shopping and see someone
who "looks a little more manly than they should" I'd bet ya you'll look at the fingers! LOL!
